Chapter 5 : Metalhead

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Randy glared at the hooded figure as she stood under the gaze  of the trio.

She seemed really comfortable for someone who butted right into the fight and took out the creature like it was nothing.

*A not-so-epic fight earlier*

The creature avoided them easily..

Annoying fact : Neither of them knew what the juice it was not more how to beat it.

Danny tried to use one of his ectoblasts  on it but it reflected it like it was nothing.

Jake had attacked too but had ended up getting slammed into the wall.

Randy had rendered it immobile with his scarf only for the creature to glitch through it.

They were getting weary and the monster didn't seem to be tiring.
Not to mention, they had never seen anything like it.
An abstract mass in the form of a technological contraption.
Randy rose an eyebrow at Danny as he crashed into the wall beside him, he shook his head.
At this rate, the whole cafeteria would come down before they even made a scratch.

He was charging at the monster once again when all of a sudden, it glitches behind him and raised a metal fist that he saw coming down in slow motion when all of a sudden, he felt something slam into his side and push him out of the way .

He dragged himself up to thank what he assumed was one of his teammates only to come face to face with a figure in a black fitted suit.
A girl.
Her face was obscured by a full face mask that had an attached hood, he could tell where her eyes were by the black rimmed white that seemed slightly narrowed at the monster.

She cracked her neck and stretched, seemingly unbothered before cupping her hands around her mouth "Hey you!"

The monster turned away from stretching Jake with an ominous mechanical creak.

"It's me you want, right?"

It turned fully then,dropping Jake with a soft thump on the tiled floor. Her eyes narrowed and she stretched out a hand, a katana forming into it noiselessly.

"Then come get me,metalhead."





"Get it? Metal-head?"


"Forget it." She shook her head and raced forward before doing a perfect backflip over the shocked creature before slashing out with her sword. The thing howled, staggering back.

"What's wrong, didn't expect that it'd hit?" She asked and he could tell she was smirking.

It roared and raced at her , she deflected its fist and kicked it in the face ,proceeding to use a roundhouse kick before it recovered.

It growled, staggering back before a dark wisp began to rise from it, enveloping the room.

Randy coughed, waving a hand through the air in front of him and barely made out the shape of the monster as it suddenly seemed to disintegrate and melt into the space around it.

"It's getting away!." He called as the air simultaneously started to clear.

"Its fine." The still unknown girl said as she waved a hand in front of her face just like he had as if in an effort to make the air clear faster.

"What do you mean it's fine?! It could go out and hurt other people." Randy asked,turning to stare at her. He could tell that Jake and Danny silently agreed with him.

"Its already done what it came here for." She said.

"Which is...?" Danny put in.

"To leave a message." She replied.

Randy frowned, that wasn't the answer they were looking for.

"You seem to be familiar with those things." Danny stated, suspiciously.

"Yeah. Its sort of my job to get rid of them."

"Yeah, and you seem to be awesome at it." Randy said.

The girl didn't reply,choosing instead to look around the destroyed cafeteria with a frown.

"Well," Danny prompted.

"Well what?"

"Aren't you going to tell us the 'message'."Randy asked.

She shook her head."It doesn't concern you."

His eyes narrowed "What-"

"I've got it." Jake exclaimed suddenly, making them turn to him. He turned to the girl with a grin. "You're Technica, right?"

"Please don't call me that." She replied, tiredly.

"So, it is you." He persisted.

"Sorry, who are we talking about here?" Randy asked.

"Only the superhero that saved a whole city from extinction. Also I thought you were based in (T/N). What brings you here?" Danny said ,directing his question at her.

"Maybe, I'll tell you next time if we meet again, that is." She said, inching back.

"Wait, we have to ask you some ..." His sentence faded as she seemed to merge into nothing. " questions." He completed under his breath.

What just happened?

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