Chapter 2: Distrust

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Randy rubbed his hands together as he stared at the old symbol covered book he'd pulled out.

"What you got for me today, Nomicon?", he says as he opens the book, then shloomps forward,his head grazing the book's hard cover.

He lands on the hard floor in the book,then scrambles to his feet. It shows him, the ninja walking with someone. Another person tries holding him back but he brushes the person off.

Soon, the person he's walking with turns into a beast and attacks him. Some words float up into the sky:

A ninja should know the difference between enemies and friends.

"I know. Which is why I've been trying to warn Howard about the new girl. It's like Amanda all over again!",

The beast stopped attacking the ninja and glared at him so did the ninja being attacked." What?",he asked but never got his answer as a trapdoor opened underneath his feet and sucked her back into reality.
His head shot up,the drool rolling down, "I have to tell Howard!".

"Howard,Howard.", Randy says as he runs into the cafeteria and stops in front of Howard to stare horrified at the already half finished plate of 'his' fries.

" No,you didn't. ",he gasps out dramatically, folding his arms in front of him." What? It's not my fault you spend so much time,shloomping into........ Hey,what was that for? ",Howard asks as Randy shuts his mouth before he could complete his sentence.

Randy nudges Howard and motions to Y/N's direction. Apparently feeling the boring of their eyes, she turns and smiles.

" I want to talk to you about...... her",Randy says pulling Howard up. "Sure,just when I finish these gravy fries.",He replies about pulling the plate closer." You mean 'my' gravy fries.",Randy counters, pulling it away. "Let's make a deal, I'll give you the rest of the gravy fries if you come with me.", He says,using gravy fries against Howard.

" So what did you want to talk about? ",Howard asks stuffing his face full of fries." The Nomicon totally gave me a message saying Y/N's evil. "Randy replies gesturing to Howard.

" I don't know, Cunningham. Are you sure this isn't one of the times when the Nomicon gives you a message and YOU totally shoob it up
then seem to realize it when SOMEONE gets stanked.",Howard says,waving a fry around in front of Randy's face before stuffing it into his mouth when done talking.

"Okay,first of all,No one's gonna get stanked because I already defeated the sorcerer and Mcfist.",Randy says.

" Technically, it was the 3 of you who defeated Mcfist but hey, who am I to talk.",Howard pauses as he looks down at his now empty plate before frowning and turning it upside down then tossing it into the trashcan.

He drags Randy towards the cafeteria."Besides, Y/N's totally bruce, you just have to be less shooby around her."

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