Chapter 4 : First Monster Attack

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Randy still doesn't like me but I don't really care. Besides, Randy is way weirder than me in a lot of ways.

Once I saw him arguing with a book and when I called out,he stiffened, stuffed the book in his bag, glared at me then walked away.

And I still have no idea what I did. Maybe it was the videogame. I think that was the videogame. But I don't regret it mostly because of the picture I got .

He should have let it go by now. I mean it's just a videogame, a graphic representation of manually controlled characters facing the most exhilarating moments of their lives on the screen. See?, just a videogame.

Holy Cheese, I'm late.

I can't help but realize that most of the things on the school's menu has to do with fries. Today's cake fries but I'm not really hungry so I just pass it to Howard who gives me a grateful look and nudges Randy who glares in return.

I chuckle to myself while fiddling with my fingers and staring at my phone as if expecting something.

In reality, I am expecting something..... well.....sort of.

I feel like I'm gonna crack soon if something exciting doesn't happen soon. It's so quiet in Norrisville not even a bank robbery happens here. A bank robbery.

A wall breaks down in the cafeteria,revealing a monster whose form I could remember anywhere.

That's impossible, I defeated him.
This is bad. Like really really bad.

Ugh. You just had to wish for something exciting to happen.
You knew he was gonna escape sooner or later.
Whatever, I just have to take care of him once and for all.

A hand grabs mine. "Come on,Y/N. We have to go hide." Howard says, pulling me up and half dragging me through the door right before the monster begins to thrash the cafeteria.

"Howard? Where's the others?", I manage to hiss out as i get elbowed in the side.

"They already left.", he replies.
I look around at the not-as-freaked-out-as-I-thought-they-would-be group of students evacuating the building.

" You guys act like this is all normal for you.",I observe.
"Well,it sort of is.", Howard mumbles loud enough for me to hear.
" Huh?"
"I'll explain later. Right now, we have to hide."

"I'm going to the bathroom.",I say as I pull away from his grasp and elbow my way through ignoring Howard's calls.

I run into a stall the second I get in.

I don't know Pixel managed to escape his stupid containment cell but whatever or however he did it. He was my responsibility so I was the one meant to shove him back down his rabbit hole.

This is all my fault.
I knew he was gonna escape someday but I still did nothing.
Nobody's get hurt again just because I was too stupid to do my job.

I pull my emergency suit from the sewn in compartment of my bag.

I sigh sadly.

Mom was right; Old habits die hard.

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