Chapter 3 : So...... he hates me.

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"What the juice?! Howard. You invited her to Greg's Game Hole?! It was supposed to be just the four of us!" Randy says, steaming.

"I know but now it's the five.......". I shift nervously.
I don't think Randy likes me.

" Plus Y/N might just be the key to beating your high score. "Danny adds,putting his arm around my shoulders.

" Highly impossible. " ,Randy replies, huffing and folding his arms.

"We'll see,Cunningham, we'll see." Howard says, pointing and waving his finger at Randy.

Do I really blame him?
He glares at me.
Yes,Yes I do.

At Greg's game hole............

"I already told you, that's the one with my highest score on it. There's no way you could beat me." Randy says, folding his arms and bragging about his video game achievements.

Oddly, I had noticed most of the games had Randy's face as the undefeated champ. Okay,all except one, and that one was Out of Order. It had Howard's face on it instead.

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