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Tessa's POV

"Wait, so you get stuck in the 1960s and your first reaction is to form a cult?" I ask, slightly entertained.

"What can I say? People love the way I think," Klaus says as he puffs out some smoke. I giggle a little bit, causing Five to smile. I think that's the first time I've seen him smile.  He really does have a gorgeous smile.

We've all been talking for the past few hours about our past lives, and how there's an apocalypse in six days, which is slightly concerning, but Klaus said we're all gonna die anyway so who cares. Can't say I disagree with him.

"So Tessa, earlier before you passed out, you mentioned another ability, something about nature?" Ben asks as he sits next to me on the bed.

"Oh right, yeah uh I do have a fourth ability. Nature kinda bends to my will. The four elements to be more specific." I close my fist and open it again to reveal a small pink flower that I hand to Klaus.  He looks at me with the most innocent expression, I thought he might cry.

"You get me. Guys she really gets me, can we keep her please?" Klaus cries as he accepts the flower and puts it in his hair. I giggle a little bit as I make him a few more which he gladly accepts like a child getting Christmas presents.

"Okay that's cute, but how exactly is that useful?" Diego asks with arrogance in his voice. I smirk, knowing I'm about to rock his shit.

"Filling your lungs with water and slowly watching you drown on dry land, setting this entire building on fire instantaneously, or opening a tunnel beneath your feet and having the earth swallow you whole, all sound like inviting options to me.  Take your pick Diego."  I say with an innocent smile as I sip the tea Allison brought me. I receive a wink from Allison and a full hearted laugh from Ben.

"Alright point taken. Remind me not to get on her bad side," Diego says while laughing, causing me to smile just a little bit.

"Diego, you're on everyone's bad side," Luther says, in return receiving a punch to the shoulder.

"Alright, I hate to break up this party, but we have an apocalypse to stop. So everyone go home and get some rest," Five says as he begins to get up. Everyone starts filing out and I get out of bed to do the same, slightly wincing from my graceful fall earlier.

"Tessa? Where you going?" Five asks.

"Well, there's a motel down the street. I think I'll just jump into one of the rooms an pray it's not occupied.  I would hate to randomly appear in the middle of a honeymoon suite."  I say as I shiver.  That's a sight you never wanna see, trust me, I speak from experience.  This causes Five to laugh.

"No way. You're staying here. The commission is all over me, and now since you jumped here, you're probably already on their radar. You'll be safer here. I'll go crash on the couch. You take this room, and Klaus will be down stairs." He says with a small smile before he gets to the door.

"Hey Five?" I say, making him turn around, "Thanks."

He smiles a little wider before walking out the door and closing it behind him. I check the clock, reading 12:09 AM. Exhaustion getting the best of me, I flick off the lamp and roll over, instantly surrounded by a dark nothing.

"STOP PLEASE!" I beg as my head is held under the freezing cold water yet again.

"Number eight stop struggling! Our readings have to be accurate!" Mr. Hargreeves snaps at me. I squirm, trying to get the restraints off my hands. My face is beginning to feel numb along with the rest of my body. They've had me in here for almost four hours, and hypothermia is already getting the best of me. I see them lowering the cord into the water.

"NO! PLEASE! I'M NOT STRONG ENOUGH PLEASE!" I scream desperately, trying to get them to listen and bracing myself for what comes next.

"Bullshit number eight! You must be stronger! I will not tolerate weakness!" I hear him flip the switch as electricity immediately shocks the water and runs through my body. I shake uncontrollably, praying that this experiment just finally kills me. I can't handle anymore. I just want it to stop.

Five's POV

The sound of yelling wakes me up. I look over at Klaus who is still passed out drunk, imagining the hangover he's going to be feeling in the morning. I really need to get him to stick to vodka.

I hear the yelling again. Tessa. I jump upstairs to her room and see her shaking and yelling in her sleep. It almost sounds like she's begging. I walk over and gently shake her awake, she bolts up into a sitting position.

"Hey hey, it's okay. You're okay. It's just me. It was just a dream okay?" I say, my hands not leaving her shoulders. Her face is tear stained and flushed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," She rambles out.  That feeling in the pit of stomach is back.  It actually physically hurts to see her in pain. 

"Hey no, it's okay. There's no need to apologize. It was just a nightmare." I don't know what made me do it, but I wrap my arms around her and embrace her into a hug. She melts into my chest which just makes me hold her tighter. I hear her sniffle into my shirt, as she slowly pulls away.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask.

"No, not really. Just old memories you know?" Yes I know those dreams all too well. I get up go, assuming she just wants to go back to sleep, but she reaches out and grabs my hand.

"Can you stay with me? I know we just met, and it's okay if you don't want to-"

"Hey it's okay, of course I'll stay." She smiles as she lifts the blankets for me to climb underneath. I lay down on my back, making sure to give her some room so I don't make her uncomfortable. But before I know it, she snuggles up close to me and rests her head on my chest. I instinctively wrap my arm around her, immediately feeling a sense of protection. I watch as her breathing becomes rhythmic and she falls fast asleep.

I don't know how or why she's here, but all I know is that everything within me is telling me to protect her, to hold her close and don't let go. I don't know how she managed to break down these walls, but I'm feeling emotions I have never felt before. I do know one thing though.

There's no way in hell I'm letting this stupid ass apocalypse take her from me.

Number Eight // Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now