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"Militat omnis amans." -Ovid

Every lover is a soldier. Love is warfare.

Brett Yang went back to his past routines wherein Eddy Chen was not existing in his life yet. Practice, solo performances, the addition of teaching, reading and writing. Brett Yang's life was about as normal as it will get. He was done with his classes for this year, but what he was not yet done with is the wedding of the love of his heart.

For most part, he really did want to be there.

He wanted to see Eddy happy. It was his main priority, even if it means ripping his own heart into shreds. He was not that desperate or heartless to break them apart. Even if he did have the thoughts and the capability to do so, he could not bring himself to do it.

He promised Eddy that he would not hold him back or tie him down so he only fulfilled the promise. He was not about to stoop that low just because he was in love with this man. This amazingly beautiful and heartless man.

He was so cold that he might be able to match Russian winters, or even be colder than that.

Brett Yang was standing next to Edward Chen in front of the altar. Not because they were to marry, rather he was the best man. Why Eddy chose him, he would never know. Still, he obliged. It is for the man he loves, after all.

The church doors open and low and behold, the gorgeous soon-to-be wife that is Irene Leung is walking down the church aisle. She was walking gracefully, hand in hand with his father. He was happy to see his daughter be wed to a great man.

She was walking to Beethoven's spring sonata played by Belle and George, one of their cousins that played the violin too. Brett is usually a very picky person when it comes to violin playing but he let it pass today. It was a wedding and he could forgive.

When she walks down the aisle, the piece comes more alive. Brett continues to observe. This was Brett's deepest and darkest secret that no one has to know but him. Well, his secret when it comes to his favorite part of wedding.

The moment that the church doors open and the bride walks in, everyone has their eyes on the bride. Except Brett, in any wedding ceremony, he looks at the groom. So, he can safely say that it is not just because of Edward Chen. He only has one reasoning.

It is because of the fact that it is already given that the bride will be beautiful at any cost. He looks at the grooms because you can see the love grow on their faces the moment the bride is walking towards them. It makes Brett Yang's heart and soul melt.

So, Brett observed the love of his life slowly fall into the arms of someone better and greater of a lover that he ever was. This might be his exception because his heart is breaking as he watched all this unfold. The love of his heart and life is getting married to someone else. Edward Chen is in love with Irene Leung.

Edward Chen never loved Brett Yang. The realization hurt more than a slap.

The couple was finally united and Brett could see the little smile they exchanged with each other. The ceremony starts and Brett knows that he does not want to hear their vows. It will only break him in uneven pieces that he will never pick up and mend again. Still, he put on his face that made it seem like he was unbreakable.

Brett could feel like he could breathe again the moment that they were at the wedding reception. The newlywed couple was finished with their first dance, it was time for the others to dance. Brett invited Belle for a dance since they were both the maid of honor and the best man. They went to the dance floor hand in hand.

"Brett, I know that you love my brother." Belle started, no hesitation present in her voice.

"Of course I love him, he is my brother-in-law and he is an excellent violinist." Brett said in the same tone of voice.

There was a silence that hung around the two as they continued dancing.

"We both know that I meant that as a lover." Belle added.

"It does not matter now... You can see that he is very happy with her. I am happy for him, too. All of that has to be left in the past." Brett said, glancing at the happy couple.

"Look Brett, I just want to say that I am deeply sorry on his behalf since he did not apologize. I did not know that he did all that just until a few months ago... It was harsh of him to do so. Using you like that... He did not and does not deserve you." Brett sympathetically said, smiling sadly at Belle.

"Need not to apologize, Belle. It is not your fault. I have forgiven him, too. You do not have to bring your brother down, he is still your brother. Besides, it might be the other way around. I may have not deserved him." Brett stated.

"Do not convince me otherwise. He does not deserve the greatness of a man like you."

"I would argue because it is the man I love, you are speaking of. He is happy now and the damage had already been done. I have forgiven him with all my heart even if he did not ask for forgiveness."

The piece was finished and they both pull away. Belle came back to Alexander and kissed his cheek. Alexander smiled and took her hand, kissing it too. It was now time for Brett's speech.

"As some of you might already know, I am Brett Yang and I am Edward Chen's brother-in-law... He had always been a passionate person. He never did anything he loved without the passion and we could only figure that he loves the same way..." Brett said, looking at the lovely couple.

I shall know by experience. Brett carefully does not say.

"The moment he told me and his sister, it was unexpected. It is so typical of him, is in not?" Brett asked and the people laughed. "But he always talked about her... He talked about her so much that it was painfully obvious that he was so in love with her. That he was so happy with Irene. It is so beautiful..." Brett added.

"Now, you could see that they look at each other with love greater than anyone else can possess. I am happy to see them finally wed so they could build a home for their future family... I wish them the best and congratulations, Mr and Mrs Edward and Irene Chen!" Brett said, lifting his wine glass up and sharing a toast with everyone.

The moment that Brett was finished with his speech and everything, he decided to carefully make his way out of the venue and go back to his home. He walked back to his house, admiring the beautiful night. The moon was shining bright and the stars were glimmering silver.

At the middle of his walk back to his home, it had started pouring. It was quite unexpected and quick. He had no time to react. This was exactly how Brett had heard about Eddy's engagement. This was exactly how he felt during all of that.

Now, Brett Yang had never cried over it up until now.

The rain was seeping through his suit, making his body lose all the heat it had retained. There was liquid spilling down his cheeks but he did not know if it was the rain or his tears. He had continued walking but it seemed like he was getting nowhere. Finally, finally, after eternity he is back at his home.

He hanged all the wet clothes by their bathroom and went directly to his room to change and dry his hair. After he did so, he noticed an envelope and a note from his father on his work desk.

"A letter for you, my boy. I did not mean to read it, I thought it was for me... I apologize. I am telling you in advance, you should say yes to it."

The note read as he brought it down and sat on his chair, getting ready to read the letter. The candle light was near the letter and Brett read it with great struggle. After scanning it for a few moments, he went to his bed and blew the fire from the candle wick off.

He thought about what his response would be for a long while. He weighed down the benefits and the drawbacks, but he is decided now. He will say yes any without hesitation. It is now time to continue his dream.

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