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"Sensim amor sensus occupat." -Unknown

Slowly but surely, love takes over the senses.

"Brett, will you come help me prepare for the proposal?" Alexander asked while they were at the dinner table.

"Proposal?" Papa Yang asked.

"Yes papa, a proposal for Belle Chen." Alexander said, fearing what his father might say.

"Oh, that pianist? I always knew you liked her." Papa Yang said, continuing with his lunch.

"So, you are not mad even if she is older than me?" Alexander asked.

"You tend to forget, boy. Your mom was older than me by five years. We did not see it as a hindrance because we treated each other as equal." Papa Yang said, still no shock or surprise in his voice.

Brett was quiet during the exchange. That was the first time his papa talked about his mama after their conversation about Brett switching to a conservatory. Brett was glad that his father was now willing to talk about his wife.

"So, you are not a bit surprised?" Alexander asked again.

"I am, not at the fact that you already want to settle down but at the fact that I always expected that it would be your older brother who will settle down first." Papa Yang said, smiling at Brett.

"Papa, you know I do not want to settle down at the moment. I still want to fulfill my dreams. Alexander already got his dream occupation and he already is earning enough to support a family. Besides, I want to help you first." Brett said, holding his papa's hand.

"You are not going to be young forever, Brett Yang. You do not owe me anything, too..." Papa Yang coaxed.

"I do, papa. I owe you everything. I cannot leave you alone. You are still my father and I want to take care of you." Brett said softly.

"Enough, you sap. We have to help Alexander prepare his proposal." Papa Yang chuckled, happy that both his sons are happy. "What do you have in mind, Alexander?" Papa Yang added, asking his younger son.

"I wanted to propose but I figured that I still need her mother's blessing. I want to ask her first and I believe we could visit them either later for dinner or tomorrow for lunch. Belle told me that she had already told her mom and younger brother." Alexander was nervous and it was evident in his voice.

"Well, why do we have to wait until tomorrow? We can go later. Get ready and prepare your formal clothes. Do not be nervous, Alexander. You are a Yang and you can conquer everything." Papa Yang said, encouraging the younger Yang.

"Thank you papa. I will ask Brett to help me." Alexander said, wiping his hands with his pants.

Nothing else was exchanged among the three when Brett followed Alexander to his bedroom. He helped him picked the best suit and best shoes. Brett even fixed Alexander's hair so he could look presentable for the dinner later.

"So, this is it, huh?" Alexander asked as his brother was doing his tie properly.

"This is it. All that you have ever wanted." Brett said, smiling at his brother.

"Brett, are you not going to tell papa about Eddy? I know for sure that he will accept you."

"I know that, Alex. I just, I want to wait for a while..."

"Brett, that is a load of crap. You have been together for how long now? It has been at least a year. If it is love, you need not to wait."

"I know I need not to wait. I am not uncertain about this love of mine. I just do not want to tell anyone else but you. Do not worry, I will tell papa..."

"If you say so, brother. You are older, after all."

"Yes, now, we better go if we do not want to be late."

They all went out and entered the carriage. They were approaching the house as Alexander fiddled with the ring.

"Do not be nervous, my boy. You will do great." Papa Yang said as they walked towards the Chen's household. Papa Yang knocked as Mama Chen opened the door.

"Good evening, Mrs Chen..." Papa Yang said with a debonair demeanor.

"Good evening, Mr Yang. Please come in so we could talk over dinner." Mama Chen said, smiling at him.

They all sat down on the dinner table. The moment Brett and Eddy's eyes met, both smiled slightly. Eddy was blushing slightly but tried to stop looking at Brett. Alexander spotted the exchanged but paid it no mind.

Belle was across him as she smiled at him. Alexander felt his heart skip a beat at the warm sight.

"I know that you are here to ask my daughter for her hand in marriage. I just want to know a few things, if that is fine with you." Mama Chen said, tone neutral at its finest.

"Yes, madame. You could ask me anything you want to know." Alexander said, reassuring Mama Chen that nothing bad will come out of this.

"First of all, what is your occupation? Could you provide well for my daughter and your future family? What are your intentions and what could you good could you give in my and your family?" Mama Chen asked, not stopping until she gets all her questions out.

"Madame, I will be true and honest to you. I am Alexander Yang, I am seventeen years old, I work as a lawyer in a firm and I have been working there for almost a year now. I know that I cannot prove to you yet that I could provide for me and Belle but I am doing the best that I can. For now, I could only ask for her hand in marriage but I wish to marry her the moment I turn eighteen and provide her with a home and a loving family. I have no other intention but to cherish her and give her a family for us to raise. As for the good that I could give my and your family, only time will tell. Yet, I assure you that your daughter will never be hurt nor feel unsafe under my care." Alexander said, pouring his heart and soul along with his truth in his answers.

Mama Chen looked impressed, so was papa Yang. Brett smiled at his brother's answer and thanked his mom silently. Brett knew that his mom raised them well. Eddy was impressed, too. He always knew that Brett's brother was a bit more stoic due to his profession but he was proven wrong. Belle smiled, knowing that she did pick the right man for her. It was beautiful.

The dinner table was silent and only the clinking of the utensils against the plate were the only ones that could be heard. Mama Chen put her utensils down and wiped her mouth. A smile is formed from her lips as she spoke.

"I was scared at first when Belle told me your age. I was expecting an impulsive teenager who only wanted her because she is beautiful and talented, but you have proven me wrong. You could be called a man due to your sense of loyalty and love. You quite remind me of their father..." Mama Chen said. "I will allow you to marry my daughter. I will hold you to your promises, Alexander Yang. I am glad that my daughter had found you." Mama Chen added.

After that, everything went on smoothly. Conversations about Belle and Alexander's childhood came up, even adding their embarrassing moments. Mama Chen and Papa Yang were enjoying their conversation as the four laughed a long.

Eddy and Brett felt out if place but they did not mind. It was not about them, after all. They were glad that their siblings will finally marry next year.

When everything was fixed and clean, they stayed on their respective rooms. Mama Chen and Belle on her room, Papa Yang and Alexander on Eddy's bedroom, while Brett and Eddy were sleeping on Eddy's mama's room.

Brett and Eddy need not to talk about sleeping positions, they have always held each other close anyway. They just have to wake up earlier before anyone else if they do decide to embrace each other while sleeping. They need to be cautious because they need not the attention. It was about their siblings and they need not to take that away.

"Brett? Come here with me now. Do not worry, we just have to wake up early." Eddy said as he tapped on the space next to him.

"I know..." Brett said as he laid down. "I live for you, Eddy my love." Brett added as he held them man close to him and kissed him.

"I live for you, too." Eddy said as he leaned in Brett's chest, hearing his heartbeat, holding him close too.

They both were at peace when they slept. This was better than other dreams they had before.

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