Thursday, 10 days ago.

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Dear Dianna Diary,

You know, I've been having a little bit of a hard time ( more then usual ). I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be how I vent and everything... But it's weird ya know? It's just, I can't help but think I'm dragging everyone down. I'm a lil ( lotta ) bit stupid, and I can't control my quirk. And I... Maybe I'm thinking too much, everyone jokes about how that'll hurt me all the time ( I guess they're right ). Do you... Do you think anyone would notice if I left? Like obviously they'd know I was gone of course, I make a lot of comments during class ( probably a big distraction, but I can't help it and it makes people laugh- )... But miss me, you know? Sero's wrapped up with Mina, Bakugo and Kirishima are wrapped up with each other, Shinso doesn't really pay attention to me much anymore ( I think he's getting tired of me ). Shit, I'm being such a dramatic angsty teen right now. I think I'll just go play Overwatch ( As Tracer of course, she's the best ), winning always makes me feel a little bit better.

Your bro, Denki

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