The Funeral

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      It had been Shinso who had decided to visit Denki's dorm room that evening, knocking with a flat expression on his face and tired eyes. His purple hair was disheveled, a cat themed coffee mug held in his left hand. He knocked loudly, knowing Denki generally spent his after school hours playing video games while blasting music in the background or watching stupid movies with predictable plots. When he received no answer Shinso knocked again, sipping a bit of his coffee. He began to grow worried, eyebrows furrowing. 

         "I'm coming in!", He calls, twisting the ( unsurprisingly ) unlocked doorknob and stepping into the room. He glanced around, noting how dark it was and beginning to turn around for the door before he noticed the trail of clothes leading to the bathroom. He realized the light was on, water running with an open door. 

        "Denki, finish showering!", He says, figuring he's loud enough for the blond to be heard over running water. Is he being ignored or...? He's even more worried now, and sucks it up. Maybe this is some kind of prank, he really hopes he won't see Denki naked... That'll get stuck in his dreams for months-

         His coffee mug falls to the ground, shattering at his feet as his eyes widen. The hot liquid soaks into his slippers, but he doesn't feel it. There Denki is, collapsed halfway over the side of the shower with electrical burns covering his previously unblemished skin. A soaking wet note lays by the blond he loved so much, and he sobs quietly at Denki's side. Why...?

                                         * . °•★|•°∵ ৢোি ∵°•|☆•° . *

          The girls pink skin was paler then usual, and despite the fact that she'd been all over Sero for the past while she now stood a respectable distance from him. She'd gone into shock, not even able to cry. Her heart felt too heavy, body weak.


       The day Kaminari had taken his own life Iida stepped down from his role of class president, he wasn't worthy of the title. He'd let a fellow comrade die, and now he stood before said comrades grave in a suit surrounded by others in the same situation as him. He'd do his best to stop anything like this from happening in the future, he hadn't ever been close with Denki... But he knew this would greatly affect the class, and he'd help as much as possible.


      Everything was going as planned... Denki gave in much faster then she thought he would, she would have to set her plan in motion quickly... She prided herself on being on schedule after all, the UA traitor would have to be not to get caught. "It'll all be over soon, and I won't have to pretend to be a fucking hero anymore..."


      The tailed man stared somberly at the ground, holding Hagakure's hand tightly in his. Denki was gone, he wasn't coming back... And it was all their fault...


       He hadn't styled his hair today, the red locks framing his face. He held Bakugo's hand loosely in his, biting the inside of his cheek with a frown and sad eyes. It felt unreal, but he was manly enough to not be in denial. Denki... Denki had killed himself because of them.


        She'd been so bitter that Denki had feelings for someone else that she... She hadn't seen it. She'd done nothing, stood by and watched as all of his friends turned their backs on him. She thought he deserved it... I'm awful...


        What the hell had he been thinking...? Of course Denki wasn't the villain, he... How could he think that? The bright boy who'd stood by him since his early years of middle school, he died by his own quirk... On purpose... The Ravenett had gone into a state of shock, staring around at the people that surrounded him with glazed unseeing eyes. His heart, it hurt. Why did it hurt so much? Make it stop, the guilt...


           For a while he'd been upset, angry even. What gave Kaminari the right to die? What did he have that was so bad? Why? He glanced at Midoriya from the corner of his eyes, eyebrows furrowed slightly and mouth turned down at the corners in a small frown. He wasn't thinking like that anymore... It was done and over with, He'd realized it was fine... He just needed to make sure Midoriya was okay...


          The explosive blond screeched to the sky that day, crying loudly in front of everyone,"God-fucking damnit Sparky! Come back, fucking- I'm so fucking sorry-!...."


          His hands nervously fiddled with each other in front of him. He'd let a friend die, he'd been so caught up with work and training- but that wasn't an excuse. He should've been with Kaminari, he couldn't stopped it. What kind of hero was he if he couldn't save someone from themself? His green hair was tangled, eyes blank with eye bags almost as severe as Shinso's. He had no more tears left to cry...


       She'd been so worried for Jiro, that she hadn't worried for Kaminari... I'm an awful classmate... I could've helped him with his work... I could have talked to him...  She sniffled quietly, wiping her eyes, and placing a small bouquet of colorful flowers on Denki's grave.


      He silently set the white carnations on Denki's grave, discreetly wiping his eyes. Why hadn't he ever confessed to the blond moron...? He glanced at Sero, glare barely present but still there. Sero couldn't see how perfect Denki was, how perfect he'd been. He bit the inside of his cheek, looking away from the ravenett who looked to be having a crisis. He shouldn't be blaming others... He himself hadn't done anything, Denki was dead and he'd done nothing to stop it. The purple mop of hair that rested upon his head fell into his eyes as he grit his teeth, tears rolling down his cheeks,"I love you, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."


        Aizawa stood in front of everyone, running a hand through his unkept hair. He'd been trained to spot this, and he hadn't. Would everyone be okay...?


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