Thursday, 3 days ago.

800 40 3

Dear Dianna Diary,

         I messed up today during hero training ( I mean, I always do. But this time worse then usual ), I couldn't control my quirk and accidentally electrocuted my teammate ( Bakugo, god everyone including him was so angry... ). Aizawa pulled me aside and told me I needed to get better, I was falling behind. Everything I knew of course, it just feels worse coming from someone else, ya know? I started tearing up ( like I haven't cried enough these past few days... ), when he asked me what was wrong I yelled at him. I don't- I'm an awful person... He let me skip, no ones asked me what happened or where I was either... I should really stop expecting people to do that, it's obvious they don't care as much as I thought. Fuck...

Night I guess, Denki

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