Monday, 6 days ago.

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Dear Dianna Diary,

       I probably should've crammed while I had the chance, ya know...? I got a D on the test today, the lowest grade in the entire class... I was even pulled out of the room to talk with Aizawa. He's frustrated with me, I can tell everyone is... It's just I can't seem to ever get anything right even if I try. Later in the day we were asked to split up for group projects... I asked everyone, no one let me join ( that was so embarrassing... ). I'm going to do it alone, Aizawa seemed to either not care or pity me because he didn't force me to join any of the groups that refused me. I can hear the whispers, the people behind my back saying that the fact I've gotten into UA is a miracle. I guess it is, I'm lucky an idiot like me was good enough at guessing to pass the written exam. Everyone sees me as the dumb one ( I know it's true, I'm not going to make a fuss or argue ), it just hurts when they say that or crack jokes... It's not my fault I'm bad at putting two and two together, or I have a short attention span, or math is like a foreign language- I feel so sad lately. I'm so tired even though I'm sleeping so much... I just... I don't want to deal with it anymore...

Night, Denki

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