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This chapter is pretty boring cuz its just the intro but i promise it will be more interesting. Hope you enjoy it!


This isn't your typical love story. You know the ones where girl meets boy, girl hates boy, boy flirts with girl, girl likes boy, boy breaks girls heart, girl leaves boy, boy confesses love for girl, girl comes back, and they both live happily ever after. Well this NOT one of those stories!

Hi. Im Tamara Jones. Im 16 years old and Im from Canada but if I had a choice to move anywhere... well I would go anywhere as long as I could get away. Get away from what you ask? The normal things any teenager wants to get away from: LIFE! I know as teenagers we talk about how our lives are so depressing, sad, and lonely and how nobody understands us and for some teens thats all a bunch of bullshit because they live a perfect life, but I am not that teen. Those terms I used to describe some teens lives are the same terms I would use to describe mine.

I live with my mom, dad, and brother AKA my "family". The reason I put emphasis on the word "family" is becasue even though we are all blood related, we dont really act like a typical family. We dont eat together at the dinner table, we dont watch tv together, we dont go out to the movies or to dinner together, in fact we dont really do anything together. Even though we all live in the same house, we barely even communicate with each other. I feel like I dont even know them. You're probably wondering why my family is so disfunctional and its because of two people: my mom and dad!

They have been together since before I was born and when my brother and I were younger it seemed like they were the perfect couple. They went out together all the time, kissed each other good morning and good night, and even "hung out" in the bedroom (if you know what I'm saying). Now that I am older and more mature I realized that that was all an act so my brother and I wouldnt realize they were going through a bump in their marriage. Now a days instead of arguing in the basement, attic , laundry room, or any other room they thought I couldn't hear them in (which I could btw) they do it wherever and whenever they want. At first it was just verbal like calling each other bad spouses but now it's calling each other a bitch, a whore, a slut, a cheater and any other word you can think of. It's even gotten physical at some points. Not really punching or kicking but more throwing things and punching walls. I guess the reason I dont talk to them is because I dont know what to say. Ususally kids form this unbreakable bond with their parents from birth but I dont think my bond formed properly with my parents.

My brother, Tyson, is a completely different story! He doesn't argue with anybody, he doesnt break plates or punch walls, he doesnt really do anything actually because he's barely home. Although he lives with us he is usually out partying or sleeping at a friends (or some random girls) house. He is also sort of a drinker so when he is home he is usually locked in his room passed out and drunk so I dont usually bother him.

Hopefully you now understand why I would do anything to move out and live on my own and why Im not really happy with my family. Why me? Why did I have to be born into this messed up life? I didnt ask for this. If I could pick my family I probably would have picked Justin Bieber or One Direction's girlfriends! Now that you know a little about myself and my family, I can finally begin....


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~Tanisha <3

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