Snow and Gunshots

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One of humankind's greatest faults is their unquenchable longing for greatness. To do something extraordinary that pushes the limits and forces them to come out stronger. The tragedy is that once their wish is fulfilled, they want nothing more than to go back to their ordinary peaceful lives. As the saying goes: be careful what you wish for. Dreams that come true are more likely to become nightmares than anything else.

Alas, people very rarely listen to things they do not want to hear. And thus, they continue to dream. To wish for heartbreak and importance, ignoring all consequences.

* * *

Outside the windows of the high school, clouds began to roll in. Slowly, barely perceptible, they crawled over the city, covering the sky in dull grey. The sun was paralyzed, unable to escape the oncoming storm. As the clouds slid over its bright rays, the world gradually grew dimmer and dimmer, until in defeat the sun disappeared from view.

Next to the window, a girl sat, staring with wide eyes, waiting for the first flecks of snow to fall. As if hearing her thoughts she saw a solitary snowflake tumbling down past the floor she was on. Smiling to herself she turned away and folded her arms, knowing that she should probably be paying attention.

The classroom she was in was dark, save for the light of the projector and from outside. Mr. Maurer stood in the front of the room, droning on about something she assumed had to do with chemistry. After struggling to listen, she succumbed to the boredom and let her mind wander.

Twirling her dark brown hair between her fingers, she imagined that she was far away, perhaps maybe on another world. There would be snow, she liked snow, and she would be able to go on an adventure. Anything other than being stuck in class.

She awoke with a start from her daydream with a start as the whole class' attention was directed at the door in the back of the room. She turned to see a lone man in the doorframe, face completely concealed in shadow. Mr. Maurer smiled warmly, exposing his crooked teeth, "Why hello th-" He was interrupted by the sharp sound of gunfire. His mouth still open in greeting, Mr. Maurer fell to the floor.

The room erupted into chaos as the intruder rapidly began shooting every student. The girl felt herself being pushed to the floor. She struggled to crawl somewhere, anywhere to hide from the murderer. All around her people were falling to the ground, each with a bullet in their chests, and finally she crawled to a corner next to a girl she didn't know. Within seconds they were the last two survivors. Without thinking, she threw herself between the killer and the other girl. Come on. She dared with her eyes. Shoot. If you want her, take me first.

The man smiled mercilessly and without hesitation, pulled the trigger. The sound filled the room like a crack of thunder and then it was gone. She opened her eyes, not realizing they were closed, only to find the girl lying on the ground, blood soaked.

Shuddering, the girl backed away from the body, amazed that she was still alive.

With her heart pumping in her throat, she faced her attacker, knowing that now it was her turn. His face held no emotion as he studied her and raised his gun. She took a deep breath knowing it would be her last.

"Come." He commanded.

She jumped, shocked.

"Come." He repeated angrily.

Swallowing, she croaked, "No." knowing that she could never go with this monster.

He advanced toward her, obviously not caring about her answer. She screamed and scurried away, but not nearly fast enough. Next thing she knew she was being lifted up and carried across the room.

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