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There were few things that bothered Alexandra more than her phone ringing. Especially on weekends. This time it was on a Friday night when it rang. Alexandra took a deep breath to prepare herself and answered, “Hello?”

       “Hey!” The bright voice of Aimee exclaimed.

       Alexandra closed her eyes and in as cheerful of a voice she could muster replied, “Hi Aimee.”

       Then came the point where her friend would begin talking faster than the speed of light. “Ok, so tonight we were all going to go to Taco Bell and then to a movie and you absolutely have to come!”

       Biting her lip Alexandra searched for a way to escape but finally settled on, “Sorry, I can’t I’m busy.”

       “Busy doing what?” Aimee retorted.”

       “Homework.” It was a lie, she had finished her homework hours ago, but it seemed like a good excuse.

       “Homework?” her friend scoffed, “You have all weekend to do that! Come on Alex! You know you want to come. Besides,” her voice took on a very teasing tone, “Brian will be there and I think he’s saving the seat next to him for you.”

       “Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun, but I honestly still don’t want to go.”

       The other end was silent for a while and then Aimee’s voice came in quietly, “Okay.”  

       Alexandra hung up and breathed a sigh of relief. She would be able to have the night to herself. It didn’t even bother her if it meant having to keep her younger siblings busy.

       She had only just settled down with some tea and a book when the doorbell rang. She growled to herself and she went to answer it. Upon opening the door she felt a hand grab her wrist and she was jerked out the door.

       “Aimee! What are you doing?” she shouted upon seeing her friend.

       “I’m taking you to Taco Bell!” Aimee opened the car door and lightly pushed Alexandra in.

       “I told you that I can’t go.”

       Aimee glanced at the novel she still held in her hand, “Sure, because that book was totally keeping you busy.”

       The same large group of people who had been at her house several weeks ago were at the restaurant. They were clustered in a corner around several tables, all of them laughing and seeming to enjoy themselves. When they saw Alexandra and Aimee they cheered and waved saying, “What’s up Alex?” “Oh look, it’s Aimee!”

       Alexandra found herself surrounded and began to feel slightly queasy. Everyone was a blur of colours and sound and the smell of greasy food was not helping. She sat down in one of the booths and did her best to join in the conversation, managing to add a few more jokes to the discussion. She was glad once they left the restaurant.

       The movie was very average for its kind. Plenty of action, shooting, humour, and everything else that people would find remotely entertaining. It amazed Alexandra how unrealistic it was. There was no way that anyone could be so accurate when shooting, or skilled at fighting. Besides, she thought, the actors had no skill in expressing emotions whatsoever.

       It was about halfway over when Alexandra realized who she was sitting next to. Brian. She instantly felt her stomach tie into knots again. How could she have been so stupid as to sit next to him? As the credits started rolling she quickly got up and impatiently waited for the row of people to move.

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