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For weeks Alexandra’s existence fell into the unrelenting routine of life under Khan’s command. She became a shadow, silent and dark as she was forced to complete an assortment of tasks. At the start of the day she was either in the metal tube that brought her into the testing bubble, or listening to Khan giving lectures about every topic that could ever be studied. Her mind was opened into the worlds of science, philosophy, mathematics, and engineering. Despite all her attempts to ignore her teachings, Alexandra could not deny that she found this new information exciting. She had never realized before how much of a waste her school was, she was learning more in a few days than she ever had in years back at home.

       After a brief lunch break Alexandra moodily marched to the ship’s gym, her least favourite place. Each day Khan had a new form of torture that she would have to complete. Running laps soon became the least of her problems when compared to lifting weights, climbing towering structures, and even learning different forms of martial arts. Alexandra had never been weak, but she never had the same extent of strength required to do the exercises she was going through now. The changes in her health grew slowly, but undeniably came as she gradually was able to do more with time.

       Meanwhile, with each coming night as she slept, Khan would slip in and give her another dose of his concoction he had prepared. He left no trace of his being there and Alexandra remained in ignorance of his visits.

       What Alexandra did know was that despite her growth both mentally and physically, she longed to escape. She feared that she was cursed to live out the rest of her days on the space ship without seeing anyone else again. Suddenly the boring science class from so long ago seemed like a little piece of paradise.       

                *        *        *

       Alexandra followed a few steps behind Khan as they travelled to her morning lessons. To her surprise, instead of going to the room where the metal “coffin” was, which had become a sort of classroom, he took her to the room with the large window. After learning about Khan’s past he explained to her that the room was called a Holodeck; a space that Holograms could be used for an assortment of reasons.

       “What are we in here for?” Alexandra asked. Ever since she had found out about Khan’s past, this room scared her. It felt like anything could happen here. Like the walls would change and she would forever be lost in its infinite projections.          “It is time that you become acquainted with some planets and their inhabitants.” Khan said, adjusting a panel in the wall, “The universe is much bigger than you think it is.”

       Alexandra was slightly shocked, although by now she should have been used to surprises, “So there are aliens?”


       For the moment, Alexandra could not think of anything to say, if genetically engineered super humans existed, then why not people from other worlds?

       Khan seemed unaffected by her silence and began the lesson with his usual coldness, “There are many beings in our universe, many of them undiscovered. Some that are known include Vulcans, Romulans, and Klingons.” Holographic images of each of the creatures appeared. They were all humanoid, but each had their own unique characteristics that truly made them alien, “The Vulcan race is obsessed with logic and suppressing their emotions, Romulans are basically the opposite; Klingons are weak creatures that will start a war at any chance they get. Now, let’s really get started.”

       Alexandra nodded numbly, wondering how she got into this mess.  

                *        *        *

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