Shedding Light

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Lights flashed and the sound of gunshots filled the air. The world was distorted and everything was red. Everywhere people were falling, screaming, the sounds so high and shrill that Alexandra’s ears began to bleed.

She pressed her hands against her head and sunk to the floor. Despite all of her efforts, her eyes would not close and the shrieking penetrated deep into her heart. In a flash of thunder and lightning she was blinded by sudden whiteness. In front of her stood a figure holding a gun with cold eyes that burned with and icy flame. He laughed in a merciless manner that gave Alexandra goose bumps. It was the cackle of a mad man. A monster. An inhuman beast.

He was then right next to her, clutching her face in his hand. “You are mine,” he purred, “You are just like me.”  

Alexandra’s eyes shot open as she jerked awake drenched in sweat. She gulped in air and collapsed back down, relieved that it had only a dream. A moment later her heart landed in her stomach with a thud when she realized that she had just woken up into the real nightmare.

She lay there, hoping that if she didn’t move, maybe she could fall back asleep, or maybe even wake up from the mess she was in. After several minutes, she could hear Khan’s voice over an intercom.

“Do you really plan on staying there all day?”

Ignore him and maybe he’ll go away. Alexandra thought desperately.

She heard him give a loud sigh, “I am not going to play this little game of yours. Just prepare for your training, and you will not be punished.”

Obviously not caring about punishment, Alexandra remained motionless. Seconds later, the door slid open to reveal a very angry Khan.

“I am growing tired of your resistance,” He growled striding over to the girl, jerking her up and pinning her against the wall, hand against her throat cutting off her air, “I could kill you right now and find someone else. It. Would. Be. So. Easy.”

Alexandra struggled to laugh defiantly. “You’re right,” She choked, “So what’s stopping you?”

       With a shove Khan released her and began pacing the room, the girl sank down and watched him, suddenly terrified. He finally turned to her, “Do as I say and you will live to become one of the greatest beings in the universe, disobey and you will die. Decide now.”

       Alexandra didn’t know what it was, but something made her slowly pick herself up and forced her to meet her captor’s piercing gaze. “I did not plan on dying today.”

       Khan gave a curt nod as he left, leaving the girl to wonder if she made the right choice.

       Eventually she left and followed Khan through the ship’s winding halls.

       “Just promise me something,” she demanded, “You will explain everything.”

       “Very well.”    

                              *        *        *

They sat at a table in the room with the large window pointing into space. If the circumstances had been different, Alexandra would be busy looking at the view, but instead her full attention was focused on Khan.

“You said you were part of a different race,” Alexandra began, “Does that make you an alien?”

Khan tilted his head slightly as he answered, “No. My people were genetically engineered during a very violent time in earth’s history. We were created to have skills far greater than any average human being. We were better at everything. Stronger, smarter, fiercer, we were the hope for society.”

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