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The silence on the ship was absolute. It penetrated the air and through walls, it was the kind of quiet that made someone strain to hear anything. Paired with the dimly lit hallways, the aura of the vessel was plainly meant to mimic the night, even though in space there was no such thing.

       Moving as stealthily, the glasz eyed man crept into Alexandra’s room. He swiftly approached her bed and removed a small object from his pocket. He took seconds to prepare it, for it was a needle, then with precision injected the contents into the sleeping girl’s arm. After finishing he placed it back in his pocket and studied her face. Tears were dried to her cheeks as she rested, no longer aware of the tragedies of the previous day. In sleep her stern dark eyebrows were relaxed, in stark contrast with the tension they endured during waking moments. Her eyelashes, while not excessively long, were thick and naturally lined her eyes that were the colour of distant mountains, so darkly blue that they appeared almost black. Inquisitive eyes that betrayed a curious mind.

       Once the man decided that this girl was, indeed, adequate, he slipped out of the room, leaving Alexandra alone to dream.

        *        *        *

       Alexandra sleepily sat up and stretched. Blurry eyed, she smacked her mouth and looked around the room then jumped awake, suddenly remembering where she was.

       “What should I do?” She whispered aloud to herself. If she stayed the man would no doubt come and do who-knows-what he had planned. She decided to quickly put her shoes on and possibly learn something more about her predicament. She only paused as she passed the mirror. Awed, she touched her cheek where the bruise had been from where the man had struck her. It was gone. In fact, her skin looked healthier than it had in years. She shook her head out of the trance, she didn’t have time to stare.

       She had only just opened the door to find the man waiting just outside.

       “You certainly took a long time,” he said.

       Alexandra shrugged, staring at the ground.

       “I suppose you are hungry.” It wasn’t a question. He led her to another room with a table laden with food. He gestured for her to sit and she reluctantly complied. He sat across from her and watched as she took in the meal. Most of the food was completely foreign, with fruits and breads that were probably made on another planet. Searching for anything familiar, Alexandra finally saw an apple and grabbed it, but didn’t take a bite. She didn’t trust anything on this ship, let alone the food.

       “Today you shall begin your training,” Said the man, “We will be working on strengthening both mind and body. After you eat I will show you how to use the computer for testing and then after lunch you will report to the ship’s gym and I will make an assessment of your physical capabilities. Any questions?”

       “Yeah, just one, who exactly are you?”

       The man’s lips curled into a smile that sent chills down her spine, “I am Khan.”

       The girl raised her eyebrow, pretending to not be impressed, “Okay, another question, you knew who I was, how? I thought you just randomly kidnapped me.”

       Khan rolled his eyes, “Of course I did some research. I couldn’t just transform any human idiot into one of my kind. I needed someone who showed a little talent.”

       “Oh, so I have that talent?”

       He shrugged, “Not as much as I could ever hope, but compared to the rest of your class you were best suited for my experiment.”

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