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The stillness of the alley was absolute. Amid the lights and traffic it alone was silent and dark, completely separated from the rest of the world. Heaps of garbage leaned against the canyon walls created by the buildings, hiding small creatures of the night. It was an evening where the slightest breath could be heard, and the peace was interrupted by a shimmering gold light. Alexandra and Khan beamed down, startling a stray cat who scrabbled away in fright.      

Khan motioned for Alexandra to follow as they jumped from shadow to shadow. The building they finally stopped at was built entirely from brick, as ordinary as any other from that time. It was a place that a passerby would pass every single day and think nothing of it. It was not at all the place Alexandra imagined was Khan’s origin.  

       Khan snuck up to the back door, rubbed his hands, and began to type a code in a number pad. He was successful the first try, the lock made a slight clicking noise and he opened the door.


       Alexandra and Khan jumped as a figure came running over, waving a flashlight erratically.

       “Stop that!” he yelled and then jerked to a halt when he caught sight of the intruders,


       Alexandra felt her insides grow cold, “Brian?” she asked tentatively.

       He rushed over shouting for joy, which caused Khan to flash him a look of annoyance, “Oh my gosh it is you! You’re alive! I thought-“

       “Brian, I’m fine.” Alexandra reassured him, trying to calm him down.

       “But,” Brian had begun to tear up, “You were gone and, and,” he abruptly straightened and scowled at Khan, “Is that him?” He then marched threateningly toward him, “Is this the man that kidnapped you?”

       “Brian, just leave him alone.” Alexandra commanded following close behind.

       “No!” He spat, “I’m going to kill him.” He lunged at Khan who effortlessly side stepped, holding out his arm. Brian didn’t react fast enough as he ran straight into Khan’s forearm and collapsed onto the ground. Khan leaped on top of him and began to pummel at the boy’s face, snarling like an animal. It was as though his normal calm self had warped into a savage beast.  

       “Khan!” Alexandra cried horrified, “Stop!”

       Khan gave the boy one last punch then grabbed him and pinned him against the wall, “So Brian,” he hissed, “What are you doing here?”

       “Why should I tell you?” the boy coughed.

       “Brian, just answer him,” Alexandra plead.

       He glanced at her sadly then admitted, “I work here, I just got a job two weeks ago.”

        “Well if you want to stay working here,” Khan threatened softly, “I advise that you not say a word about us being here.” He then released Brian who clung shakily to the wall.

       Khan took a step into the door frame and Alexandra followed.

       “Alex,” Brian began, “Why are you with this man? Is he forcing you to stay? What happened?”

       Alexandra stopped and regretfully turned back to him, “I am here by my own free will. I have to do this.”

       “No you don’t. He’s no good. Stay with me, please.” Brian then leaned forward and gave her a kiss. Alexandra knew that she should be feeling immense joy, that her heart should have been pounding, but there was nothing. Nothing but the feeling of his chapped lips against hers and the overwhelming smell of his cologne. The kiss only lasted a second and as she pulled away she merely shook her head in disappointment and marched into the building.

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