15 | you're worth it

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darkness is a part of life just as much as light is.

and if you're going through a bad time, know that it too shall pass. this is not the end. if you feel lonely and have believed that you're worth nothing, then let me tell you how much you're worth.

you wake up every morning in the hope to be better and somedays getting out of the bed in itself is the greatest trouble, but you still do or you try to find ways to engross yourself and live through the day and fight the same demons that defeated you yesterday.

you walk through the storms in hope that one day, it'll pass away too. you love the rain, because it can hide your tears. but you do not stop there. because that's not the end.

you have surpassed the worst, trust me you'll pass away this too.

with sincere love,
stranger ❤️✨

with sincere love,stranger ❤️✨

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