16 | hold on, pain ends

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broken. shattered. hopeless.

i know these are the only words you're feeling right now and you feel like the world has ended. that you have no chance to live but you still try to move on.

you're shattered on the floor like glass and the thought of hope isn't welcoming either. you're breaking badly and i can hear the sound of it as clearly as the pin dropping besides me.

you feel that no one would ever notice you, that you'd always be left in the dark when the world has left your hands and turned its back against you.

believe me, my intent is not to give you false hopes. its okay to not be okay and I believe that everyone feels the same. sometimes its okay to break and pull your heart out when there's no sunshine. but there's always the moon.

i am not asking you to forget your pains and move on like tomorrow will be the best day without any trouble. never.

let it all out and hold on to dear life for a little longer cause it wrenches my heart to see how many people end their life just because nobody told them that they're there to listen to them. that its okay to feel something and its okay to break too.

there's certainly no knight in shining armour in real life, but there's ine thing you can always hold onto. hope. hold on, pain ends.

with sincere love,
a stranger ❤️✨

with sincere love,a stranger ❤️✨

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