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That day I helped him move into his house. It was fairly simple and he didn't really have that many things. When we were done we just stayed there for a little and talked a bit about what we were gonna do for my channel. "Well, we need a good first video, a good introduction. It needs to make people want to watch the other videos I-" I paused. "We do," I corrected myself and said that, even though that seemed like a basic idea- but I always pointed out the obvious. "Yeah, I know... But it can't be too overdone or we'll raise the bar too high for other videos" He told me. He also pointed out the obvious. All. The. Time. But oh well, we both did that, so we were used to it. "Yeah... Should I ask Mark and Ethan for help?" I asked, not completely sure. "If you think they can help you. I mean, you watched their videos because you saw the ones you liked, and look where you are now" He laughed softly. "Yeah, I guess you're right" I sighed softly. This was definitely going to be a lot more work that I planned...

A couple days later We decided to finally come up with our intro. We were filming at my house. We already had all the equipment that we needed, thanks to Mark- When we got everything ready to go, we had no Idea what we were going to say. "Alright, so we have to have cool intro- I mean, Marks isn't THAT cool-" (A/N: I mean it's not as creative- It's just "Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and-" Not that creative- sorry-) "I feel like Sean has the most creative intro, even though it doesn't have a creative backstory." (A/N: Me and jack cannot come up with a channel name)

We decided that the channel name would be 'Quinnetic'. Our intro, we decided was going to be "Hello hello lovely people, today we are going to-" Then it continues into what we were going to do. We did get some help from Ethan and Mark though. Now all we had to do was make videos. I also had to learn how to edit using a computer... I sighed softly and started to write down some stuff in my notebook. They were mostly youtube ideas.

(A/N) ok, so the next chapter is going to be the first video on Quinnetic. Jack is going to be the one filming mostly, but he will be in a lot of videos, but Quinn wil be in most, anyeays, hope yall enjoyed-

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