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this is to just complain, so if you dont wanna be here for that, go away

Ok, so I just dont feel motivated, but sometimes I have little 5 minute bursts of energy where I do something so yeah. But with school now, I dont have as much free time. Its only the first week and Im already behind cause I hate my school district. The website kept crashing cause my school district is way to big and too many people were trying to use it so yeah. Another thing about school is that I have half online and half in school, so On monday, tuesday, and wednesday i have online, but thursday and friday are in person. I only have 1 class where I could actully write, so thats cool. But Im going hunting on the opening day, tuesday, so i wont be able to do anything then, and I also going on a trip (I cant say where due to corona rules-) for the weekend, so I probably wont do anyhting there unless im excluded like usual- but yeah. My family has also been getting mad at me for no reason, so thats not ok. Uhhh Thats pretty much all I wanted to complain about, but I just wanted to compalin and anymore I just feel like being a bitch so- have a good day and Ill try to update more frequently. Oh, another thing is this Phantasybad stuff.(TW: suicide) Basically theres this girl harrasing Amy (marks gf) telling her to kill herself, threating to doxx them and claiming to know her address, but yeah. It might be done, im not sure anymore. ok, now im done. Bye

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