Vidcon (based on a rp I made-)

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(A/N: Alright, so I made a roleplay thing on instagram and I'm having fun with it, so I decided to make it part of this cause yes, me and Jack made Jack and Quinn in the rp. So yeah, this is gonna be at vidcon and things are gonna be way different from the rp so yeah. Also I'm writing this while I'm in school and since i'm not on my school account while writing this it keeps disconnecting and it's freezing in here- I'll start writing now-)

I was... well, ok with it. I wasn't excited like Jack was. He was freaking out and I wasn't sure why. I just let him do his thing while we walked in. Mark said he was gonna be here, and that's why I decided to come. I because Mark told me to. Ethan told me he wasn't gonna go which made me kinda sad, but he can do what he wants. Since Mark was here, so was Amy. I hadn't seen them yet, but I wanted to look for them later. "I'm so happy we're here!!!" Jack told me. I just sighed and looked around. "Good for you, now let's find our table" I said, wanting to sit down. "I doubt anyone wants to see us anyway, we have only made one video so far. And we've only mentioned it on Unus Annus once" I said and shrugged. "Stop being so negative. And I'll go get a map" He told me. I just sighed and he left to go get a map while I stayed there. I looked around more, looking for Mark. Jack came back with a map and handed it to me. I looked at it, then at him. "So I don't know how to read maps-" I said and laughed awkwardly. He took it from me and started to see where we had to go. We eventually got there and sat down. I looked around at how there was no one around. I looked at the map to see where Mark was. "I'll be back. I'm gonna go look for a mark" I told him. He sighed and got up, deciding to go with me.

We walked around for a while and didn't see Mark. I sighed and looked at Jack. "Well, I'm hungry, wanna go to a cafe? There's one nearby" I asked. He nodded so we started to walk there. When we walked in I saw Mark. I walked over to him and said hi. We started to talk for a bit, but he was with some other youtubers, so I left him alone after a few minutes. Me and Jack got some food and a drink then decided to go back to our spot. I sat down again and looked around. I texted Ethan, asking about Astro. He was taking care of Astro, and Mark's dog's along with his own. (A/N: This period is about to be over and I'm gonna lose my train of thought, so if it seems like it took a sharp turn to something else that's why but I still have a few minutes-) He said they were all doing good, and that he really liked Astro. I chuckled and started to text him for a bit. Jack ran off somewhere while I was doing that So i was now alone. Someone came up to the spot we we're at and smiled. I looked at them and smiled back. They said they were a fan of Unus Annus and they reconized me from some of the recent videos. Of course I was happy and talked to them for a little bit. (A/N: I'm on my phone now, still in a cold room-) When they were happy they asked where Ethan and Mark were. "Well, last time I saw Mark, he was in the cafe nearby and Ethan couldn't come here, sadly" I told them they thanked me and left. I looked around wondering where Jack went. (A/N: ok, it's a different day and I'm unmotivated again but whatever) I decided to just call him and find him that way. When he answered, there were a lot of people, I could tell he was in a crowd. "Quinn?" I could barely hear him. "Uhhh Jack? Where are you?" I was kinda confused. "I can't hear you-" I sighed softly and hung up. I texted him telling him to meet me at the cafe. I walked there and sat down. I started to scroll through Instagram because I was bored and why not. Jack finally got there so we talked a bit and then headed back to our spot.

A/N: ok, I know that this is very late, but whatever, deal with it. I think im gonna have to end this soon though just because I can't think of anything else to write for filler chapters, uhhh yeah, im gonna make another chaper thats just for a A/N cause I wanna complain-

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