?? chapter two ??

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today was cook's seventeeth birthday

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today was cook's seventeeth birthday. he invited about half the college to this small pub downtown. effy, panda and i were all going. i didn't know what to get him, so i ended up just buying him a lacoste polo shirt, since i know he wears polo shirts all the time. thought it was about time he had a nice expensive one.

we ended up meeting the rest of the gang on the way, minus naomi. 

"this is it?" i asked, as effy nodded.

"must be." she replied, opening the doors. we all walked in and spotted the trio of boys sitting by the bar. they got up when they saw us though. 

i ran over to jj first, giving him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

"hiiii." i trailed off, as he smiled down at me.

"hi, y/n." he replied, as i walked over to freddie.

i gave him a quick hug and he accepted. once i let go, he went over to talk to effy.

i walked over to cook and tapped him on the shoulder. he turned around and broke out into a grin when he saw me.

"heyyy, y/n!" he exclaimed, as i ruffled his hair.

"happy birthday, you bastard." i laughed, handing him his present, as his eyes lit up, tearing off the wrapping paper.

he held the shirt up against him.

"what do you think?" i asked, as he gave me a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"i love it." he replied, as i shoved him a little.

"yeah, you better bloody like it. it wasn't fucking cheap." i laughed, as he put his arm round me and we sat down at a table, with everyone else. he took his arm off when he looked over at effy though.

god, what am i doing? he likes effy, i've got to get that into my fucking head.

cook made us sing him 'for he's a jolly good fellow', swaying along the entire time.

"thanks man, thank you very much. now, what's next? more drinks!" he exclaimed, calling one of the bartenders over.

"he's fun." katie sighed, leaning back in her seat, as freddie scoffed.

"you have no idea." he replied, as i grinned a little.

"he's already had half a bottle of vodka!" jj exclaimed, as effy looked over at him.

"really? how crazy!" she exclaimed, sarcastically, as i shook my head at her.

"heh, yeah." jj replied, sheepishly. i've decided that i'm gonna protect jj. he's so innocent, someone needs to help him.

"tequila! who's in?" cook asked, as i nodded.

"fuck yeah, count me in." i replied, as he grinned at me, before looking around.

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