?? chapter twelve ??

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"they're up to something, y/n, i'm telling you

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"they're up to something, y/n, i'm telling you. they're keeping something from us, and i can tell." emily said, as we walked down the street.

"listen, i hate to admit it, but you're right. they're always on edge, like someone's gonna find out what they're hiding. whatever that may be. i dread to think." i sighed, as emily nodded.

"ugh, let's just leave them and go out instead, y/n. we're so nice." emily smiled, grabbing my hand, as i nodded, swinging our arms back and forth.

"yeah, we might as well at this point." i chuckled, as we reached our destination.

"right, are you ready?" emily asked, as i sighed.

"i think so." i replied, as she nodded and knocked on the door, as we heard shuffling, then a lady opening it, staring down at us.

"hello?" she said, as i gave her a sympathetic smile.

"hi. we're friends of sophia's." i spoke, as she nodded and moved to let us in.

we all sat down in the living room and emily handed her the flowers we had bought on the way.

"thank you for the flowers. sorry, what were your names again?" she asked, as emily sat up a little.

"nancy." she spoke.

"jasmine." i added, as sophia's mum nodded.

"she never mentioned a nancy. or jasmine. but that's sophia for you. secretive. how did you know her?" she asked.

"just college and stuff." i replied.

"are you in with naomi and emily and that crowd?" she asked, as i perked up a little.

"um, yeah, we see them sometimes." emily replied, as we shared a look.

"i thought they'd have called round by now. sophia talked about them non stop." sophia's mum chuckled, fondly.

"did she?" i asked, confused, as she nodded.

"did she ever talk to you about me?" she asked, as emily smiled a little.

"yeah. yeah, she really... loved you." she replied.

"you're lying to me. it's kind of you." sophia's mum smiled, as the door opened. emily and i turned to see a boy standing there. he looked around our age, decent looking.

"hi, matt. this is nancy and jasmine. friends of your sisters." sophia's mum introduced, as i waved over to him. he just nodded a little, not making eye contact.

"i'm going upstairs." he mumbled, as i heard the stomping of foosteps.

"would you like to see her room?" sophia's mum asked, as emily nodded and we were lead up the stairs, to sophia's door.

"she never used to let me go in there. it was always so messy. if you want a momento, just... just let me see what you've taken. i'll leave you to it." she spoke, before walking downstairs, as emily and i wandered around, picking up various objects.

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