a new beginning

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If you asked me how I found my job, I couldn't give you an answer. It's not that I legally can't tell you, (well no, that is part of it) but I simply don’t remember.  My brain has been filled up with so much junk, codes, plans, escape routes, that the minor things like discovering my occupation just weren’t priority.

It was concerning to think like that. Often I’d sit in my apartment and wonder things like, how long I've lived here, what road is this, or the most worrying, is the oven on?

If you’re reading this, and your name isn’t Janis Sarkisian, don't read further. This is a personal journal in case of an emergency where I get major head trauma and forget everything. Because with my history of forgetting the minor things, if I forgot the major things, it could be detrimental. Not just to you, dear reader (me? Dear me? Since I'm also a reader-?), but to the whole word.

Here’s the basics.

Janis Sarkisian, Agent number 469, gender: female, hight: 5’7, age: 23

Partner: Damian Hubbard, Agent number 420 (haha blaze it), gender: male, hight, 6’3, age: 24

I (you?) also have three other partners, Regina, Gretchen, and Karen. We only team with them for major operations, since in this occupation, its safety in smaller numbers. I won't bother putting their credentials in this book. I’m putting me and my partner in enough risk as it is. 

We work at a secret agency. Our offices are in “the firm”, and a lot of people from the outside think we’re all lawyers. Bit of advice? Just go with it. 

I am extremely worried about our next operation. For obvious security reasons I will not be going into detail. There is a gang of criminals called the triple H, they plan on attacking at a painting auction tomorrow. Damian and I will be there, along with Regina, Gretchen and Karen. Despite the name triple H, there are many of them. The main three’s identities we know.

If this book does get into the wrong hands, use this information to capture this agency. Their morals are corrupt and they’re power hungry killers.

Heather Chandler: Head of the agency as far as we know. Typically the one to make the calls. If you see her speak into an earpiece, turn around and protect your face from a blow because someone will be right there to attack. Took me five tries to learn that, but hey- at least they’re predictable.

Heather McNamara: Does most of the running. She’s flexible and can slip out through small gaps in the crowd. A slippery bitch indeed.

Heather Duke: She's the distraction. Got nice boob implants. (What? I’m still a lesbian)

There's four more we are aware of. We don't have official names.

Blue chick and trench coat dude: this duo seems to be similar to me and Damian. They aren't always with triple H, but when they are, it will get messy. They’re ruthless killers, not just agents.

Jock 1 and Jock 2: the brawn of the triple H. They will beat you up. Once again, protect blows to the head. 

That is all we know about the group so far. The mission tomorrow will be dangerous. 

Protect your head.


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