storyline notes

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Not a chapter, but these are the bullet points i refrenced while writing the fic! My storyline notes are always bullshit and funny to read through, so take a peak if you want!

Chap 1:

--talk about triple H and agency--

-oh shit agent jonas


-so cute

-this is like a prologue chapter idk

-appearance change

-CADY (and cookies)

Chap 2:

--don't break character--

-cady! (again)

-go tell damian cute girl

-shit you're married

-meet aaron (and get job)

-movie night?

-movie night.


-aw cady is bi what a queen

-we stan accepting neighbors

-the agent is back shes gonna judge your house

Chap 3:

--talk about the code--


-leonardo di catrio

-van gough

-its christmas

-they have a xmas celebration with the neighbors


Chap 4:

--never let feelings blow your cover (TITLE OF THE FIC)--

-janis and damian talk about cady (and shane)

-aaron and janis at work

-art freaks and plastics have dinner at the leigh house hold

-talk about missing agency

Chap 5:

--damian doesn't like janis keeping a secret book--

-its february

-janis and damian jokingly get valentines gifts for each other

-vry funny


-cady and janis sit outside and talk

-cady and aaron used to date

-shane has a thing for damian


Chap 6:

--ducking saves lives--


-janis just walks through town, it's pretty

-oh shit theres blue chic and trench coat

-janis calls in sick for her shift last minuteTM

-damian flips shit?

-damian flips shit.

-they both dont go to work for a couple days



-aka i wanna write cute accepting towns foke

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