emotionless and plastic

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Janis, I know so far I've labled everything as fucking important as shit, but I truly mean it this time. Do not, ever , let your emotions get in the way of a mission. Worst comes to worst, the agency has a therapist in the firm, and it's free. She's a very nice lady, if you forgot that.

One time, Karen and I got left behind on a mission. Gretchen almost failed our task because she went back for us. (I'm like 99% sure if Karen wasn't there she wouldn't have but)


You have to trust your partners and believe in the fact that they can handle themselves.

Sure, after leaving me to presumably die, Damian really had to take advantage of a firm therapist, but we all have had to after one harrowing mission or another.

In our line of work, priorities are the mission, not our lives. It's shitty, but it pays well and hey, free therapy.

It's easiest to just block out all emotions while on a mission. Protect your head, and maybe your heart too.

"So, Cady." Damian said with a grin.

"So, I'm married." I say, twisting the pasta on my fork. It was dinner in late January after another uneventful day at work. Ever since learning the plastics were so close by, the five of us constantly had dinner together, and even introduced the plastics to our neighbors. But this was another Damian, Janis, dinner.

"She knows we're platonic." Damian pointed out.

I look up. "You'd be okay with cheating?"

Damian shook his head. "It's not cheating . It's an open relationship. We just need to remember to communicate, like now. Which you are doing an amazing job of by the way. Besides, I've caught by eye on a cute neighbor too."

"Shane." I say knowingly.

"Mhmm." Damian takes another bite of food. "I'm not saying they'd be down for an open relationship. I won't assume that, but we're best friends. I'm not worried about you fucking girls. Just do so in your own room and when I'm not home."

"So kind and generous. Letting me have my own sex life." I roll my eyes.

"Another dollar in the jar missy." Damian says pointing to the mason jar on the counter.

That damn sarcasm jar was the reason I was losing all my fucking money so fast. There's got to be like eighty bucks in there by now.

"Then be nicer to me." Damian shrugs.

I hadn't realized I was complaining out loud. God I'm tired. I slip a dollar in the jar and scoop up my plate.

"I'm gonna tap out early tonight." I say emptying the rest of my food into the garbage and dropping the plate into the sink gently.

"It's only like nine thirty hun."

I nod. "Long day though. Well, slow day, so it felt long."

Damian nods. "You don't have to explain yourself, as long as you're okay. I'll clean up after dinner, you head up to bed."

"Okay." I say before turning into the hallway. "Love you."

"Love you more." Damian's voice calls from behind me.


"You got a date or something?"Aaron says as I check the clock for the eight time.

"Kinda." I turn to him. "Damian and I have old town friends coming over for dinner, the three you, Cady, and Shane meet last time. Damian is gonna be home late tonight which means the second my shift ends I gotta bolt to beat them home." I explain.

protect your head and maybe your heart tooWhere stories live. Discover now