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Moral of the story future Janis, trust your gut and protect your head. Being an agent isn't easy, but nobody ever said it would be.

"How did it feel to have a proper wedding, Janis Heron?" Damian asked.

I grinned and looked across the reception at my new wife. "It feels nice. Five years ago I married my best friend. Three years ago we divorced because we were no longer wanted dead. Now I've married the one ."

"Took you two long enough." Damian grins. "Aren't lesbians supposed to propose after two dates?"

I elbow him, "Enough from you Damian Omen. You don't get to talk. You said yes after we were divorced for three months ."

"Call me, miss movin on!" Damian sings.

Shane walks up to us. "May I snag my husband?"

"Please," I wave them off. "Get him out of my face."

"Wow!" Damian laughs, but he follows Shane away anyway. I watched the reception from where I sat. Cady was going around chatting with everyone who came. She looked so pretty.

People from the agency came to the wedding, including some WPP workers who helped me and Damian get married in the first place. Cady and I had a real priest this time, but I couldn't help but smile when Agent Jonas winked at me from the crowd.

"Hey there newly wed." Regina said sitting next to me. "How are you feeling?"

I smile. "Really good."

"Thats always amazing."

Aaron, Cady, and Shane moved into Damian and I's house. (Cady and I share the balcony room, Shane and Damian share the hot tub room, and Aaron has the guest room.) The plastics moved into the newly vacant house to our right. We still have the shared garden and we eat dinner all together almost every night.

It's not uncommon for us all to just crash in our living room most nights. It's nights like those where I crawl up next to Damian and as I fall asleep in his arms, surrounded by the people I love, and I realize this is probably the peak of my life.

The agent gang still works for the same firm, we just have an office in Northshore now. Cady doesn't like it, but it pays and since there is no more triple H, we don't go on missions nearly as often. The new office is on the second floor of my very own art studio.

Yup that's right, bye flower shop.

Aaron still works there, the owner put the store up for sale after its reputation was tarnished with blood.


Aaron of course bought the shop and revamped it into: A. Samuel's Flower Shoppe. Karen and Gretchen work there for him, and I make sure to stop by for plants for my gallery.

Leonardo Di Cattrio warmed up to me, it only took five years. Him and Van are getting older, but no less lovable.

"Janis!" I turn around to see Cady running towards me.

I get up out of my chair and brace myself just in time for the full weight of my wife to barrel into me.

"Hey!" I laugh wrapping one arm around her, the other gripping Regina's shoulder to balance myself.

I see Damian wink at me from across the room and I can help but smile.

Maybe one day Cady and I will move out and get our own house, have kids, maybe more cats. But for now, I just have to worry about protecting my head, ducking, never breaking character, and to watch out for Leonardo Di Caprio stealing a Van Gough painting.

protect your head and maybe your heart tooWhere stories live. Discover now