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I think being an agent has clouded my perspective of wrong and right. If a conflict arises and there is a clear correct choice, I might pick the other option. Maybe it's because I'm thinking long term,

Is it easier to get out of a stupation if I do this?

Will we be safe if that happens?

Like, if somebody wants to go out to dinner and they ask me to pick a restaurant,

Most would pick their favorite restaurant.

My brain asks which place is furthest from the last triple H spotting and which building has the most exits. If it's in a secluded area, then no. But at the same time if it's always too crowded, not there either.

It's complicated and confusing.

Which I guess proves my point.

The agency fucked up the way my brain should work. I'm not here for it.

Maybe it wasn't the smartest choice Damian and I ever made, but we never told WPP that we saw blue chic and trench coat. But I was thinking ahead. We would get relocated, probably lose touch with the plastics, never see our neighbors again- yeah. It's best to just shut up about some things.

Besides, we haven't seen them since and we've both been going to work on our normal schedules.

Business at the flower shop grew sparse as august became september and september turned to october. The days, while getting shorter, just felt to be growing longer and more boring. As the leaves changed colors I was in my room, painting them more. Shane, who apparently did photography- I had no idea - took photos of the leaves for me to use as reference. The trio next door wanted their own painting of my autumn leaves. Word travels fast around town, and soon I was getting commissions by lots of the town peoples for painting.

I'm 99% sure it's because Damian bragged about having such a talented wife, but...

Aaron jokingly clarified that I would in fact not be leaving the flower shop just to open my own art gallery.

I had told him not yet at least.

But that's where I sat on this October evening, out on my balcony painting the leaves outside. Cady waved at me from her back porch, to which I returned with a smile.

Her hair matched the leaves I was painting,

Life with Cady was actually going quite well. She was down for dates, even if Damian and I were married. She was understanding that "our parents were accepting". Yeah we stuck with that one.

This is gonna be a bitch to sort out when triple H gets caught.

If triple H gets caught .


They will be.

I mix a deeper shade of orange to layer onto the canvas.

It was a nice afternoon, the sunset reflected tons of deep oranges and purples onto the clouds behind the trees. It made me wish every night had a sunset like this.

I could hear the doorbell ring downstairs and Damian go down to get it, so I kept painting. Probably just Shane. Like me and Cady, Damian was slowly going head over heels for the nice-photo-taking-cookie-making-boy next door. I thought it was adorable.

"Janis!" Damian called from downstairs. Speak of the devil .

I sigh and place down my painting pallet.

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