stay in character

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I (we? I'm gonna go with we, because we're both Janis. Hi Janis.) We pride (no that sound weird. Back to I) I pride myself in my ability to stay in character. No matter what happens, stay in character and protect your head. If you're at an auction party and your name is Sophia Green, I don't care if the building is burning down.




Letting the enemy know who you are never ends well, that's why we put on fake identities. I remember the first time me and Damian had to act like a couple at some rich musicals album launch party. We went head to head with a blue chic and trench coat. If I accidentally said Damian rather than his fake name, we would have been fucked. We think blue chics name is Veronica, but it could have very well just been a fake identity.

Her acting ability is the difference between her being on the list with the main triple H or the list of agents we aren't sure of.

Stay, In. Character.

"Hiya new neighbor! My name is Cady!"

Fuck, whats my name?

"Hey, Cady! My name is Janis S-Leigh!"


"I come from the house to the right with my other two roomates! I can't stay for long and I'm sure you have tons of unpacking to do but me and my roommates made cookies and we figured, who doesn't love cookies?"

"Well cookies are always welcome here," I joke. "Thank you Cady!"

"Of course." She said with a smile. "You live here alone?"

"No way, this place is too big to be alone. I live here with my husband, Damian." I don't know how I feel about how easy that fact slips off my tongue.

"Well, I'll have to meet him next time! I'll let you two get back to unpacking! Here," She hands over the plate of cookies. They're covered in saran wrap but I can smell them from here. "Hope to see you guys around, Janis! Don't be a stranger!"

And with that, the cute girl next door is gone, leaving me standing there like an idiot. The only indication she was even here to begin with was the plate of still warm cookies in my hand.

The second my brain caught up with me, the front door slammed shut and I ran up the stairs to Damians room like a kid whose parents said they could get a puppy.

"Damian! Guess fucking what?!"

"Who was it?" He asks, looking at me as I barrel into his room, mindful of the cookies.

"The cutest fucking girl ever ."

Damian's eyebrows shot up. "And she brought cookies?"

"No. I just found them in our freezer."

Damian rolls his eyes and reaches out to shift the saran wrap to the side and grab a cookie. "Alright there, calm the sarcasm."

"Her name is Cady, she couldn't stay long but dude. She's cute ."

Damian shrugs and bites into the cookie. "She's a good cook, snatch her before someone else does."

"We're married ."

Damian grins, realization drawing on him. "Oh my god we are married."

"And our neighbor is cute" I whine.

Damian guides me to his bed and I sit down on the edge placing the cookies next to me. I feel the bed shift next to me as Damian sits. "We'll cross the relationship bridge when we get to it. We've been in this new life for a total of four hours. Lets calm down, make a cute social media to impress your new neighbor, check our emails, and watch a movie."

protect your head and maybe your heart tooWhere stories live. Discover now