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Damian doesn't like this notebook. He thinks it's unecessary to expose our agency like that. I told him I knew that. I just feel it deep in my bones that this stuff will be useful one day. Don't know when or how, just hope it doesn't come at the price of my memories since that is the point of me writing this.

Anyway, we think there is another person in triple H. A hacker, who works computers but is never on scene. She's referred to jock 1 as her kindergarten boyfriend, but if that's a code name it's a shitty one. We'll stick with jock 1 thank you. We don't know anything about her expertise. She's good at her job. She disabled all alarms once and threw off our mission.

Another thing to add to the list of times I almost died.

It's a long list.

If I forget my memory I don't wanna remember that.

Anyway, we call her two names. Kindergarten girlfriend or hacker. Hopefully updates to come on this revelation.

It's February, more specifically approaching the Valentines day of February. And I personally feel that it is my duty as a newly married woman to participate in this big corporate company cash grab and buy Damian a gift. We've done it before jokingly because we have to act like significant others on missions so often, but now the acting has been taken to the next level, and it feels wrong not to buy something .

So here I am, sitting in a small mom and pop shop, looking at the handmade chocolate. Because if I'm gonna waste my money on raised prices for cheap chocolate, my money's gonna go to a small business.

Fuck you CVS.

I pay for the chocolate and leave, after thanking the lady who worked there. As I'm walking home I stop in the flower shop. I'm not on clock today, but Aaron is.

"Hey Janis! Just couldn't stay away." He jokes.

"Nope. Valentines day is tomorrow and me and Damian have an inside joke of who can get each other the sappiest most heteronormative gift. So, do we have any roses in stock?"

Aaron laughed but didn't seem surprised. All three of our neighbors know me and Damian aren't actually in love, but joke about it a lot.

"Check the window Leigh. I think it's our last one but since my favorite customer stopped in, I'll let you take the display ones."

I grin. "Wow, I get the fancy display set? I must really be special." I walk to the front of the store and carefully reach to grab them from the window before walking over to Aaron to ring me up.

"Oh and while I could not get the recipe from Damian, I did not forget, and I got him to make you a couple jars of tomato sauce. I'll drop them off at your house later, just refrigerate them." I say.

"You are a godsend Mrs. Janis Leigh. Guess who's having spaghetti tonight?" Aaron cheers.

I laugh and wave by before walking home.


Valentines day was fun, Damian and I stayed home and watched bad hallmark movies, poking fun at the cookie cutter storylines. We both got each other chocolate and flowers, but I got him roses and he got me tulips so it's safe to say I won. Soon, February came to an end as all months do. It was a nice sunset in early March when I walked out onto my front steps to just enjoy the colors in the sky.

"Janis!" I look over to see that Cady had a similar idea. "Come sit!" She tapped the spot on the step beside her.

"Hey Cady, long time no see!" I say walking over. "Whats up!"

"Nothing much. I'm probably doing the same thing you are, enjoying this sunset."

I nod, sitting next to her. "It is pretty."

We enjoy the silence for a bit before Cady speaks up. "I've been meaning to ask. You and Damian are friends, who are married. Does that ever make it weird for your friendship?"

I think for a moment before shaking my head. "It makes it harder to explain to other people like, yeah I'm a lesbian. Yes, I have a husband. We exist. But our actual relationship isn't affected. Why?"

Cady sighs. "I know it's different, but me and Aaron used to date before figuring we love each other, we just aren't in love. It's platonica, like you two. And not that I wanna go marry Aaron, but our friendship hasn't been the same since that awkward four month phase where we were together."

"Maybe you should talk to him about it. He may feel the same way. I think the only way the marriage thing changes me and Damian's relationship is, we communicate a lot more. Because we both still get crushes, and we still wanna date other people. And we're both okay with the other doing that, we just have to talk and be open with each other."

Cady nods. "Wait, does that mean your open on the market?"

I shrug. "Would that change anything?"

Cady's face goes red and my heart is beating faster at what she may be implying.

"I mean," She takes a deep breath. "If that meant you would wanna go on a date I wouldn't be opposed."

I felt a grin spread onto my face before I could stop it. "I would love to, Cady."


I feel like a giddy middle schooler who just hugged her crush. "Yeah!"

Cady grins. "We can come back to this wonderful topic later, I have one final question."


"What are Damian's opinions on my roommate Shane?"

I gasp. "Do we get to play matchmaker?"

"Double dates baby!" Cady cheers.

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