Chapter 5

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"Dude, did you hear about what happened to Bustin?" I asked, looking up at my friend, Ray.

"You're the only person I know who's talking about him. But I do feel bad for the kid. Isn't he like our age?"

I nod, thinking about how cool it would be to meet him. I adjusted my glasses, sighing. I don't usually wear then, not anymore at least, but when I'm home I still put them on. I'm also only comfortable wearing them in front of Ray and Gee. 

That's another weird thing, I'm friends with Ray, but my brother hates him so I have to hide the only friend I have away from him.

Speaking of Gee...

"Hey, dude, my brother was acting hella weird last week."

"No, shit? That man is crazy."

I rolled my eyes. "No, he wasn't acting like his usual self. Plus, some kid was following him."

"Really..?  What did he look like?" I frowned at his question, he seemed so invested.

"Tall, scrawny, long brown hair." I say, shrugging.

"Dude, you're practically describing me." Ray laughed.

Well damn. "Oh, his name is Ryan." His eyes then relaxed once I said the name. "Anyways, Gee said that he was going to try and "befriend" this guy once he makes up a fake excuse for whatever he did to trigger him."

"Do you know what your brother do?" I was frowning again as I shook my head. "Wait, he's never told you..? You don't even know why he doesn't like me?"

"I always thought was just overprotective over me, and would judge all my friends. I guess I thought wrong."

"I don't know if I should tell you-"

"No." I interrupted. "I wanna know."

There was silence that filled the air until I gave Ray a glare. He coughed then nodded. "I don't want this to ruin you and his relationship, but since you wanna know..." His voice trails off, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Ray, I swear if you don't tell me... Look, I won't tell Gee that you told me anything, ok?"

"Fine. Your brother, Gerard, is a... a mafia boss."

"The hell does that mean? He like, organizes murders and shit?"


Nah, fuck this. I didn't ask to be born with a mafia-associated older brother. What if I end up being a target for blackmail or something?

I stood up, Ray's eyes following me as started to put on my shoes. I set my glasses down on my nightstand when Ray then asked me what I was doing.

"Gee told me where he was just in case of an emergency, like our parents died or something. You can't follow me because he hates you and you don't wanna be caught, so I'll see you later." I tell him before leaving the room, and then the house.

Once I made it to where Gee told me he'd be, some café by our school, I barged into the building and darted towards him. 

When he saw me, he tilted his head in confusion. By the time that kid, Ryan, turned around I was already at the table. 

"A word." I say, ignoring Ryan's strange looks as I drag Gerard outside.

"Did something happen?" Gerard asked, looking a bit worried.

"Yeah, a lot. You never told me you were a mafia boss!"

"Who told you that?" He was getting defensive, like his usual self, but this time I knew the reason as to why he acts so tough.

"No one, your notes were out." I lied, but I think he bought it since he started biting his nails now. "Dude, that's so sick, and not the good kind. Like, you kill people!"

"Well, hey, I technically don't-"

"Shut the fuck up, you know what I mean. Why did you hide this from me? Why couldn't your secret just be that you...I dunno! Is that guy in there, does he know? Is he apart of your little group."

"Mikey, I swear to you I don't know that man, I just met him on that day you saw him following me."

"Bull, he knows something. What if he gets a gang to like kidnap me and use me for you? You could risk a lot."

"Have you seen Ryan? That kid looks like he wouldn't be able to pick up a twig without whining. Besides, this is all to protect you!"

I snorted, shaking my head. "Whatever, I'm leaving."

"We'll talk about this at home."

"Nope! I'm not going home, I'm gonna stay at a friend's place. Whether you like it or not."

When Gerard didn't say anything I took that as my cue to leave without turning back.

I guess I'm going to be staying over at Ray's place for a while.

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