Chapter 13

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I was visiting the lake again, guilt taking over me as I look into the water. Tyler talks about that Gerard guy, the same guy who's wallet I put in the lake.

Tyler tells me how they're helping out Ryan with figuring out who killed his bestfriend. Brendon. 

I know about Brendon.

We talked every now and then. I believe that in the eighth grade we were even pretty close to each other.

We never told one another personal things, no, we were the type of friends who just got together for a good time.

A good time was needed for me right now.

I was visiting this lake again, but only to finally come to terms as to what I did. I, Josh Dun, killed a man and hid him in this lake. When looking in the guys house, my fingerprints where found in the crime scene. They questioned my parents, but luckily my parents kept going on and on about my straight A's, and how I'm so out going and friendly. They made up the excuse that I've probably been over to his house to help out with homework. They covered up for me without even knowing. To make sure my name was definitely clears for a little longer, I took Gerard's wallet and placed it by the lake. Now the wallet is gone, and I hear the police are looking for him.

I feel bad though, but I got my name off of the search list for a while at least.

But Tyler is cool with Gerard. I framed a guy who was working with Tyler to help find who killed Brendon.

All of this stressed me out so much, the guy deserved it. Or, he had it coming. 

I brought gloves and more things to use as evidence. Except, I'm going to have to place the new  evidence further away from the lake so the cops don't question how they keep missing things.

It was nothing much, but some things with some other guy's fingerprints on it so I could perhaps get another person rather than Gerard targeted. They may even find him to not be guilty, and instead be on the other's case about whether they did it or not.

I didn't mean to try and frame Tyler's friend, or at least associate. Why are they even working together? He was pushed by Gerard, and now they're working on finding a murderer of some sort? That's an odd relationship development.

I couldn't help but grow more stressed out while being out here. All I had was my thoughts and the lake where I dumped the body in. At least it's hard to find this lake, it's noticeable from a driver's point of view or anything, you have to walk far to find this.

That didn't stop the police from finding the body a week after the murder. At least I was given a little bit of time to think out everything.

I hear the sound of a car door closing from nearby, but I don't worry too much about it. I can't, I have to hurry and plant the other evidence.

A cloth to clean off glasses, a pocket knife, ripped up pages from a book that was found at the guy who was killed house, and a bottle of alcohol. Half of the objects, the cloth, knife, and alcohol, had the fingerprints of the same guy on it, and it was easy to get that arranged, so he'll be found, and will be taken up.

When I finished, I returned back to where I was standing by the lake. I will fix this. I can fix this.

Suddenly I heard foot steps, they weren't too close to me, but after killing someone your senses become more sharp. That or the paranoia kicks in.

They were getting closer and closer to me, and I became nervous. Who else comes out here?

The pounding in my ears made it hard to focus on the voice, but I was able to make out it's words.

"You come out here often?"

I shook my head, more as to stop my ears from hurting rather than to answer the person talking.

"This is a good place to just get away from everything, huh?"

Why are they talking to me? I can't turn to face them, I feel stuck.

"This is a place to hide your secrets."

Secrets, what do they know about secrets. Do they come here often?

"It's unfortunate that that person came here and dumped a body here."

Suddenly my vision was blurred and I could feel myself moving without me telling me to.

My vision would clear up every few seconds and then blur up again. I was holding this person, their nose bleeding and their eyes shut closed.

I shook myself out of my dizzy spell, staring in disbelief at what I had just done. They're not breathing, so I knocked them out. What do I do?

They know I killed someone. I know they do. 

I looked at the lake, then glanced back at the body I was holding.

I planted new evidence, the police will think that goes to this body, then they'll connect the murders tactic in putting it's bodies in this lake. Gerard will get off without any charge. I won't be blamed for the murder either.

I made my way over to the lake, the person still in my arms. They were light, lighter than the last person at least. I then slowly brought them down into the lake, hoping to not cause too much noise just in case.

When I finished with that, I quickly got the hell out of that area, heading home now.

I took my phone out  of my pocket and immediately dialed Tyler's number. He would help me calm down, for sure. I just really needed to talk to him. I needed to keep sane. I just accidentally knocked someone out and then killed them after. I say accidentally because I had no control over my body in that moment.

I got frustrated at the fifth time trying to call Tyler, he wouldn't answer his damn phone.

The rest of the walk home was horrible. I didn't mean to kill another person. I just needed to clear Gerard's name!

When I made it back home, I went straight into my room, closing the door and crashing down onto my bed. Tears immediately fell from my eyes. I didn't want to kill another person. I wanted to plant more evidence and clear who I had once framed. That was all.

Now I have another murder on my hands to keep track of.

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