What Is Love?

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"'What is Love?' will be the topic of the essay you will have to write in english. i want it done by friday, at least 5 paragraphs explaining what love is to you," the teacher up front explained, causing the class to groan.

i groaned too, already having a case i needed to solve by saturday on my plans. now i would have to make room during the week for brainstorming and everything else along with all my other school work AND the case.

i put my head down and check the time, seeing we had five more minutes until lunch.

"this week was going to be hell," i grumbled, preparing myself for the stressed week ahead....

___ TUESDAY ___

kaede hummed, opening her lunch box beside me as i tapped my pen against my desk, deep in thought as i read over the case file again. it wasn't making sense, there was no evidence against anyone but the brother, and yet the brother had an alibi that was completely solid.

"a women is planning on getting married, but a week before the wedding her fiancé is-"

"shuichi?" someone asks suddenly, causing me to jump, startled. i look up to the source of the voice and find y/n standing over me, a sweet smile greeting me.

"o-oh, hey, do you need something..?" i ask, trying to keep my train of thought going in my head while speaking, but i was failing miserably.

she nodded, "yea, can you come into the hall with me for a second?"

i nod, looking over at kaede, "can you watch my stuff for me..?"

kaede gives me a thumbs up, swallowing her rice quickly, "yup! leave it to me!"

i thank her quickly and head out, following the ballerina to the hall.

i notice something seems different. she seems nervous. giddy, but not in her usual, bubbly way. it was almost like she wasn't sure what she was doing.

i shook it off, closing the door behind us after she stepped out into the hall. i move to stand in front of her.

i notice her hands were tightly clasped around each other and her leg was bouncing slightly.

"are you okay..?" i ask quietly, making sure to keep my voice low. i mean, whatever she had to say must have been a secret if she couldn't say it inside, right?

she nods and finally looks up at me, but i make sure to avoid her eyes.

they always make me lose all sense of time..

y/n finally speaks, her words coming out in a blur as a bright red blush spreads across her face. i stare in shock as she lets everything out, my brain trying to keep up with the jumbled words

"shuichiineedyourhelptogetclosertokiibopleasepleaseplease!!" she whisper shouted, grabbing my forearms and squeezing them in excitement. she closed her eyes tight as well, shaking her head while speaking.

i take a step back, "m-mind repeating that for me..?" i ask, leaning closer slightly. she opens her eyes and looks into mine, realizing what she said probably wasnt comprehendible. she nods slightly and smiles, more confident than before, and her eyes now full of resolve.

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