The Painful Truth

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the classroom set up for the high schoolers in hopes peak academy was very typical. trouble makers towards the back so they could get away with more while the more mature and well behaved ones stayed up in the front. the few, rare quiet ones that were in this huge, unique school stayed towards the middle, trying to keep the attention off of them.

so in this class, that means i stayed up front with kaede, angie, tsumugi, and gonta

himiko, ryoma, maki, and korekiyo stayed towards the middle, dozing off and not paying attention half the time while quietly keeping to themselves.

and in the back, there was always at least one person laughing, talking, or eating something that wasnt allowed in the class. in the very back sat kokichi, kaito, rantaro, tenko, miu, and surprisingly kiibo. he was dragged back there most days, forced to sit between miu and kokichi as they both threw vulgar insults back and forth to each other.

it was a little annoying hearing them fight everyday, but i honestly think this school year would be way more boring if they didnt, so no one really complained, other than the teacher.

kiibo usually kept them from throwing punches at one another or helped clean any messes they created with food fights they had in secret.

it always will amaze me how they managed to sneak a whole watermelon in and no one noticed until it was already cut up and a chunk was in tenkos hair.

they way the hid the smell of watermelon for so long was amazing too, but the story was never told the same way twice thanks to kokichi.

he says he stole the perfume from an old lady, and then he says he stole it out of bath and body works, and then he says it just found it while sneaking in the girls locker room.

the last claim got him a lump on his head from tenko, and it was never brought up again.

in all honesty, ive always wanted to join the back of the room. it seems like fun, but always way to dangerous. i feel like if i say back there i wouldn't have to to adjust before i was killed by a prank or a punch that i could dodge in time.

and i dont think i would be able to let my grades slip without my uncle noticing and grounding me until they were brought back up.

even though its always loud back there, almost all of them do well on their tests. not the school work or homework, but their tests all had passing grades, B or above, and it made it so they all could stay in the class together.

it was impressive how they could not pay attention and still manage to get an average grade.

i sighed, walking into class and making my way to my seat up front beside kaede. the class barely had anyone in it, other than kiibo, kokichi, himiko, maki miu.

i dropped my bag by my seat, ready to let myself get comfortable in the wooden, red stained chairs, but someone with pastel pink nails grabbed my arm and started dragging me to the hall.

i let out a noise that was a mix between a "huh?" and a "what?" as i dragged out and towards the vending machines at the end of the long hallway.

i stumble and finally manage to fall in step with the person that is dragging me down the hall around small groups of students who are socializing before the day begins, eating a small snack and laughing together.

when im finally let go, i look up and see its none other than miu iruma, standing there with her arms crossed. she seems pissed, but also a little sad, a mixture ive never seen in this girl before.

"u-uh, miu..? do you need something?"

"i need to tell you something about that titless bitch from the other class!"

i took a step back, wondering what the hell was going on, "a-are you talking about-?"

"yes im talking about her! she-! she-!" miu stuttered, looking around before pulling me close, "she needs to drop that crush on kiibo!"

my eyes widened and i felt my heart stop.


(im so sorry this is short as hell i needed to finish it to get my other already written chapters out of the way, i was stuck on this one though. i promise the rest of the story isnt this poorly written)

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