Chapter two

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" How long have you worked for my father." Julian asked, his expression giving nothing away.

" A little over two years." Evelyn answered. She had come to work early as usual, only to find him already in the office. He had requested for coffee and asked her to sit, as he needed to make some enquires. Evelyn squeezed her hands together nervously, being in the same room as him when his father was there was one thing. But being alone in the same room as him was an entirely different thing.

     "Two years," He smiled and leaned back in his chair. "No wonder you seem to have Frank wrapped around your little finger. I mean he never stops talking about you. Evelyn this.. Evelyn that." He sounded amused. Almost.

Evelyn didn't know how to respond, so she just smiled nervously and kept quiet. She hadn't expected him to be so layed back.

     "How?" he asked, now looking at her. At her questioning look, he raised his hand in a kind of gesture. "Frank, how did you do it?"


     " Well, I really don't know what exactly it is, you are asking. But, your father is a great man and he is great with his employees. Besides, I lost my father when I was six and it has been really hard for me since then. It was easy to see a father figure in Frank." Now, she didn't know why she told him about her dad. He didn't look at her with any form of pity, more like, curiosity.

     "Wow, I can't imagine. Although my dad, Frank, has not been really present in my life-traveling across all the time, between London and Nigeria,-I always consoled myself with the fact that I had him. And my mum too."

     "Wow, that's great." She really didn't know what to say. He was nice?

     "Look, Evelyn, I know I already said this in the meeting yesterday, but I would like to say it again. I really would want us to establish a good working relationship. I want you to feel at ease around me." He smiled and then added. "I don't bite."

     A snort worked it's way out of Evelyn and she quickly closed her mouth with her hand. She could feel her cheeks go red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry."

     "Well, you laughed because I said I do not bite. That's odd. Do I look like I could bite?" he asked, amused.

     "Sir..ehh.. Julian. Considering you are so big..." she let her statement hang.

     Julian looked surprised for a moment and then gave a full blown smile. Evelyn felt her heart stop.

     Julian watched the door close behind Evelyn and let out a sigh. He couldn't believe they had just sat together and had a chat. She was interesting. Apart from the sexual chemistry, there was something about her, he couldn't describe it. He didn't even want to.

     His phone rang, shattering the silence in the office. He looked at it for a while, before picking it up. It was his brother calling.

     "Hello, Damien." He said, glancing outside the window at the horizon, beyond.

     "Dude! What's going on with you? You have been in Lekki for almost two weeks, and you haven't even come to see me." Damien sounded offended.

     Julian rubbed his eyes. "Chill bro, I will come. I haven't really sorted out everything here."

"No problem. How are you doing?"

     "Not too bad, considering I am now heading the Frank's baby." He smirked.

     Damien chuckled. "I know you will do good bro. Although I don't understand why dad didn't employ someone else to head it. He had to pull you out of your own company."

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