One shot #34 (part 5) - Lt. Sangster

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I begrudgingly hauled myself out of bed. My first thought as to who it could be was, of course, Thomas - but I didn't want to believe it. I tried to rationalise it being anyone else, but it simply didn't make sense. It wasn't that late at night, maybe half-eight, but people don't just knock on strangers' doors after daylight hours.

I put on some pyjama shorts and pulled a sweatshirt over my head. Plodding to the door, that pit of anxiety was forming, growing heavier and sinking deeper as I made my way closer to the door. Deep down I knew it was the leiutenant, but I didn't really want to believe it. I didn't know if I could face him.

Finally, I opened the door.


He seemed to expect more words to come out of his mouth, but of course none did. I examined his face - he seemed sad. Hurt. His hair was soaking wet from the now torrential rain, once sandy locks falling about his eyes in brownish curls.

"Lieutenant," I replied formally. That's what he wanted to be addressed as now, right? I didn't want a repeat of earlier. This didn't seem to please him, though, but rather just saddened him further. His shoulders fell slightly - maybe I had reminded him of his outburst earlier outside the precinct.

"I'm..." He began, but sighed, his voice barely audible over the the hammering of rain.

I stepped aside, wordlessly inviting him inside. He stepped in reluctantly, head bowed. The shame radiated from his every pore.

Shutting the door behind him, we both stood awkwardly in the hallway. Illuminated only by a small light in the kitchen, his face was shadowy and dark, his strong features looking yet more prevalent.

He grew quickly tired of our silence, clearly eager to set things right.

"Listen, Em...I'm really sorry about earlier. I don't know why I did that," He said sincerely. For some reason his apology caused fresh tears to well up in my eyes, so I looked down slightly to hide them, loosely hugging my arms to my stomach.

"The look on your face - I hate it. It was..." He paused, his jaw tightening, "you were scared of me."

I looked to the side, not wanting him to know how right he was.
"Thomas, I..." I closed my eyes, "It's fine,"

He didn't seem convinced.
"Emily, look at me," He said, voice lowered. Without really thinking, my gaze met his.

"I've been an idiot. I thought it would be for the best if I kept my distance, and maybe try to push you away from me, but all I did was hurt you more," He stated, pausing to find his words

"There's just...a lot  going on in my life right now and it's complicated. I didn't think it was fair to drag you into it."

His brother. It made sense. Maybe he didn't do a great job of it, but in his eyes he was only protecting me from what I could only assume was a lot of emotional baggage. Maybe he just assumed it would lessen my view of him.

"Yeah...I get that." I nodded after a few seconds' thought.

"...And, I'm sorry if what I did made you uncomfortable. I was a stupid thing to do." He admitted. I scoffed.
"It definitely didn't make me feel uncomfortable...and think that might be the problem."

Newt/Thomas Sangster One Shots (warning: smut)Where stories live. Discover now