One shot #32 ~ Maze Runner #6

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...(kind of)


"Oh shuck, he's making a run for it," Newt said quietly to me as we watched the new greenie sprinting across the glade.
"Get him Gally!" I yelled. Part of me wanted to help, but the other ninety percent of me didn't want to leave Newt alone with his bad leg.

"I bet he'll trip," I challenged.
"With that form? Pfft. Not a cha—," Newt began smugly, before eating his words.

The boy tripped over his own legs, stumbling to the ground no more than fifty metres away from the forest.

"You owe me," I smiled.
"Oh, go away," He teased back, making his way out to the glade.
"Careful," I said, coming to his side, "The ground's uneven here,"
"Always looking out for me, eh?" He smiled crookedly.
"You know I am," I reassured, "But you know, one day you'll tell me what you did to injure the leg, right?"
"Maybe," he smiled, turning away from me and toward the maze in front of him, "One day,"

"Finally decided to help?" Gally challenged. I could hear the greenie's yells and shouts, telling them to 'get away'.

"You know it's not safe for him over here," I defended.
"It's not safe for any of us, anywhere, Thyra,"
"His leg isn't going to heal if he injures it, Gally,"
"You really think it'll heal? A fall from that height—,"
"Oi, shuckface, he's getting away," Newt pointed behind him. He spun around, and within seconds, he was gone - shouting, waving, sprinting away from us.

"What's his deal," I huffed.
"He's always been uptight," Newt shrugged, shielding his eyes from the blistering sun.
"I don't like him," I shook my head stubbornly.

"Me too, if we're being honest — but you need to be careful," He started, "You've only been here five months, and he's been here since the beginning,"
"I don't care. He can't talk to people like that," I pressed on, watching him from a distance.
"I wish I could protect you from him, Thyra, but I can't," he reasoned, "So please, for me, just try to stay out of trouble,"

"Fine," I said after a short huff, trying to smile reassuringly.

"Gally! Stop that, you'll kill him!" I heard Winston yelling. I turned my head quickly, to see Gally on top of the greenie, his hands locked round his neck.

I didn't think. I just ran, my knees clicking into action and taking me quickly across the glade. I hurtled toward the two boys so quickly that I couldn't even stop — I dived onto Gally, taking hold, ripping him away from the Greenie. We rolled on the grass, disgruntled, confused noises coming from him.

"What the hell?" He said angrily, coming to his senses. I heard a gasp for air behind me - I turned to see a very pale looking boy lying on the ground, his mouth agape. I stood to get a better look. He seemed young, confused, and absolutely terrified.
"You could have murdered him, shuck head!" Chuck shouted.
"Zip it," Gally snapped.

"Don't you talk to chuck like that," I protested.
"Or what?" He asked smugly, standing taller than me, "You gonna fight me?"
"Is that what you want? Sure as shuck seems like it," I said, my ears flushing with anger.

"Get away from her." Newt stepped in, speaking firmly, "Or else I throw you in the maze myself,"
"You couldn't throw me anywhere even if your life depended on i—,"

My fist smacked onto his cheekbone hard, making an audible *click* as my knuckles met his smug face.

"Don't you ever talk to him like that," I ordered firmly.
"Is this what you want, Newtie? Your little girlfriend defending you?" He jested, his hand placed firmly on the red patch forming where I'd hit him.
"Enough!" Alby shouted over all our voices. Our heads turned in attention.

Newt/Thomas Sangster One Shots (warning: smut)Where stories live. Discover now