
10 1 21

It had been fifteen minutes and I was still trying to figure out how I had ended up being chained to a bed at seven am in the morning.

A knock and a click of the door snapped me back out of World of horrible outcome of the condition I was currently in.

Jimin stood leaning on the door with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face.

I looked up and asked the most obvious question anyone would ask in this situation
"What are you going to do?"

"Impatient are we ?" He smirked.

Now that expression pissed me off ,rather than creating butterflies in my stomach.

"You know you should not just go out with strangers , your mum must have given you this basic information hasn't she?!" He said.

I scoffed.

"So now this is your fault I assume that you are currently tied to a bed huh?!" He mocked.

"You should have atleast known more about me ,then you wouldn't have even wanted to talk to me."

"You were always the care free one since you were a mere girl , always wanting to break out of that cocoon of yours..."

I was puzzled , how does he even know how I was when I was little.

"I have already assumed that you don't remember or recall me and how could you , you have never seen or heard of me ....It was me who had seen you grow up ".

"Finally I have a chance of having you and keeping you to myself , I love keeping all the things I want and trust me , love ......I always get what I want".

"I'm not an object that you can devour
Mr. Jimin , I'm a living, breathing being as yourself and what ever messed up plan you have in mind be sure I'm not ever going to be a part of it because even before you think of doing anything to me I will escape."
I said.

I was scared but I have seen and heard worse , felt worse than the condition I was currently in.
Jimin was a psychopath and he had done a very good job hiding it.

I am not easily fooled , his "I'm interested in you show" was a facade from the start and I knew that.

Why did I take part in it even though knowing the outcome ?
You can state that as adventure .
I liked the thrill .
Getting trapped and escaping , it was fun for me.
I can state myself as no less of a psychopath .
I'm a sadist.

Jimin didn't know what was coming for him.

We were at eye level to each other and soon my hands were cuffed too.

"Tie me up how much ever you want,you can't have all things your way. You will definitely not have me."
I said with all the confidence I had left.
He glanced at me one last time and said "There is no escape from this ,love."

The door shut leaving me to execute my escape plan.

I slipped a Bobby pin in the handcuff and unlocked it .
Now that my hands are free I need to figure out a way of breaking the chain.

To my luck the leg of the bed was easily breakable , with a few kicks the wood snapped and I managed to break the leg and removed the loop around the wood.
The thud of the bed had alarmed the capturer and he soon barged in the room to soon be lying on the floor with a strong hit from the chain.

I dragged the unconscious body , cuffed his hands and left a small note.

Grabbing my shoes , I bid my capturer good bye who didn't even manage to hold me longer .
After a hearty chuckle , I started heading towards the door.
Opened the door and headed home.

Today's song recommendation :

By Tommies ,Shiloh Dynasty.

Hey guys!
It's been long !
I hope the plot it intriguing , I'm trying my best to keep ever chapter interesting and not make it boring.

I love you , always❤️

~My travel diary ~  |p.jm|Where stories live. Discover now