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"I'm jiminie"

I continued staring ...unless a loud snap brought me back to reality.

"O-oh ummm hello I'm y/n" .....
I said and I definitely stuttered like as if you would not in front of such a godly man.

He smiled and sat in front of me.

It has been an hour and he has not said a word.
He blankly stares out of the window.

I casually take glances at him while trying to read the book.

When suddenly,
"Am I that attractive to you?" He said making your head jolt up.
Both of you'll maintained a solid minute of eye contact.

Then I answered " umm excuse me."
He continues " you have been staring and I am aware you also must be knowing that." He smirked .

I rolled eyes at his narcissist words.

"Yes you are and yes that is why I have been staring ,you got your answer!" I said getting pissed.
My words amused him to another level.
He chuckled , " wow ,pretty straight forward ...you seem pretty naive ,but looks can be deceptive."

He was rather annoying .
I rolled my eyes and cut the conversation short by not answering.

Now the train journey seemed longer with an annoyingly handsome "jiminie".

He had manage to fall asleep and this was my only chance to get a good glance of him.
I got up from my seat to place my book inside my bag and also the main motive of getting up to admire the gorgeous sleeping man.

There was a screech and the train stopped making everyone lose their balance including me .I had shut my eyes and waiting to feel the impact ,but the scenario I had ended up in was not worthy for opening my eyes .
I sat in "jiminies" lap with a shocked look on his face and his hand around my waist which he held out of instinct.
He instantly had a smirk on his face.
I was just dumbfounded by his beauty.
I realised he was more good looking when seen with a closer view if that was even possible .

"I see you are not comfortable in your seat, I honestly don't mind you sitting on my lap" he flirted.

I instantly got up and got a hold of my purse and phone and rushed out the compartment.

I got down on the platform to cool off .
There was an emergency stop due to some problem in the tracks further .
We were stuck here for an hour.

I roamed around the platform, when I felt a tap on my shoulder .I turned to look at the only person who I didn't what to see ....yes jiminie.

We walked together ,both of us didn't say a word.

"I fell on you because I had got up to place my book inside my bag , but the sudden stop made me loose balance"
I clarified.

He just blankly stared.

"I know you enjoyed it though whether it was a mistake or not"
He answered .

I just kept a blank face ,hiding my actual emotions ,not wanting to give him another chance to tease.

"So why are you off to Paris?" He inquired.
"To become an independent woman"
I said.
He just glanced at me .

"Well I want to start up a wine business ."
I hadn't expected him to say anything like this , I thought he was or wanted to become a model, because why not who would not want to cast such a handsome face on a magazine.

His next word made my suppressed emotions burst and look at him with wide eyes....

"Why don't we go wine tasting together when we reach?"

Is he asking me on a date?...


So as I update a chapter im going to recommend a song ....so you can also recommend me some ...give our playlist an upgrade~

~Todays song recommendation :

All into nothing - Rehab, Mokita.


~My travel diary ~  |p.jm|Where stories live. Discover now