Interview with @styleslegend

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Yes, the styleslegend

1) How did you find out about wattpad?

I found wattpad a few years ago I think just by reading fanfics on the website. I believe a friend told me to read something on here and it kind of went from there! I made my account almost two years ago exactly, though I didn't start writing or posting on here until about nine months later.

2) At what age did you start to take an interest in writing?

I've always loved writing for as long as I can remember. My first memory of writing something was in the third grade I believe. It was one of those standarized tests where you had to write a fictional short story, and I absolutely loved it. When I got a very high score, I realized that maybe it was not only something I loved, but something I could be good at.

3) Do you feel pressured to update due to the amount of followers you have?

Sometimes, but I make sure my life and school have first priority. I always make sure I've gotten my school work done and don't alienate my friends and family before I write. That said, I absolutely love writing, so it's not realñy that bad. I wouldn't write if I didn't enjoy it, so the "pressure" to write is quite easily dealt with.

4) Who would you say is your biggest inspiration as a writer?

It might sound cliche, but I'd have to say J.K. Rowling just because the Harry Potter books were and probably always will be my favorite books. I started reading them in second grade, and they were what really sparked my interest not only in reading, but writing as well. I found it so fascinating that one could create an entire world simply with words, and the fact that millions of all ages around the world have loved her work so much really says something to that fact.

5) Do you have a favorite out of the books you have written?

No, not really. That's kind of like picking a favorite child haha. They're all so very different and have different bits from them all that I love so much that it would just be impossible to choose! That said, I definitely think my writing has improved so much from my first story to where I am now, so that may skew my favorite a tiny bit in favor of my more recent works.

6) What is your greatest challenge as a writer?

My greatest challenge is finding time to write. If I could, I would do nothing else all day, every day, but unfortunately, I'm a full-time college student with a life to maintain, so I often find myself writing in the wee hours of the morning.

7) What inspires you to write?

Harry Styles, honestly. He's such a magnificent muse, and he's so pliable with so many different strenghts that he makes a wonderful lead. Thera are so many sides to him as a persin, and I always try to make my characters in my work at least a bit like the "real" Harry, or how I think he would be. I always want to portray him in a possitive light, and as someone he wouldn't be ashamed to be portrayed as.

8) Have you ever sat down and taken a few moments to realize just how popular your work has become?

All the time. It honestly shocks me every single day. It's so surreal to sit down and look at the numbers and statistics because I never imagined any of this would ever happen. When I first starte posting, I honestly was only hoping for 100 reads, maybe a nice comment or two, so imagine my surprise now when I've achieved what I have. It is the coolest, most surreal experience I've ever had, I think, and it is honestly so amazing. I'm so grateful for every single person who has ever read my work and supported me, because I wouldn't have such a magnificent platform to showcase my passion wothout them.

9) Do you have any tips or advice for aspiring writers?

I get asked this a lot and my advice is always the same: write something you would actually want to read. If you wouldn't want to read it, odds are no one else will either. I also think it's important to be nice to people, to work hard to achieve what you want, and to be patient. Also, an interesting storyline and proper grammar can take you a long way.

10) Is there anything else you would like to say to your supporters?

I kind of already addressed this I suppose, but I'll just reiterate. Thank you, every single one of you, who has ever read my work, voted, commented, shared, or anything like that. It's so hard to wrap my head around how lucky I've been to have such amazing readers, and I'm still shocked every single say by how many people have enjoyed my work. I hope I can continue to keep you entertained as I continue to write. It's become a dream of mine to be a published author as I've really explored my passion for writing more, and this is only helping me work towards that goal, maybe someday I'll achieve it, but if not, I'll always remember how amazing this entire experience has been. Thank you all, and I love you :) x

Thank you very much styleslegend for letting us interview her. We hope her dreams of getting published come true not far from today.

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