Interview with @royalmukes

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1) How did you find out about Wattpad?

well i first found out about the app through my friends at school and decided to check it out over the summer of 2013 (when i got my first smartphone) then i didn't really go on it much until i saw a link on facebook, with a fanfic directing to wattpad, but i really started going on it the next year.

2) At what age did you start to take an interest in writing?

I'm not really tbh but i was always intrigued into writing stories and making my own since i have an active imagination. but I'd say around when I was 10 :-)

3) Do you feel pressure to update due to the amount of readers you have?

honestly I'm not exactly pressured but i guess the only one where a lot of people like by me is dickaphobia, so i try to update a lot but then i tend to get busy or sometimes just lazy and people always comment 'update plssss' and i know that i have to step up and update whenever i can. but for my other stories, there's always certain people who read them and can't wait for more and i feel horrible when i don't update those stories.

4) Who would you say is your biggest inspiration as a writer?

omg I don't really know but there's always something in me that makes me believe I could be a successful writer. I told my best friend that I wanted to be an author, something that you don't usually hear from an average 14 year old girl. a lot of people don't really take me seriously bc I'm always hyper or weird but I tend to change to a shy and zoned off person, thinking about things I wanna write. but my inspiration is mostly based off of famous authors or my favorite books. it's like if they can do it then I could do it. and it doesn't matter if I won't be successful in the field of writing, but I'll feel like I made it bc I can achieve something. also songs and quotes inspire me

5) Do you have a favorite out of the books you've written?

I really like writing the proposal. I have ideas that I really wanna include in it and I don't wanna lose my thoughts to not write it anymore. but unfortunately I'm only on chapter 4!! my second would be weenie hut Jr's also even though it's on hold :c

6) What is your greatest challenge as a writer?

My greatest challenge is to hiik the readers into the story and to get them interested in the story. I always try to make sure the chapters are at least a little funny because I'm not really good with depressing scenes but I have stories where the characters are but I end up making them say weird stuff. I honestly love having that feeling that I made someone laugh their asses off or at least put a smile on their faces!!! It makes my day <3

7) How has writing affected your life?

It has affected me in a huge way. As I grow up, I learn things along the way that I didn't even realize before and there's this one quote that my english teacher taught me "ignorance is bliss" because as you grow up, you don't exactly have fun and everything isn't as bliss as you think it was. You learn great things and painful things along the way that affects you, you have to take responsibilities for your own actions and basically need to be your own self on your own.

Omfg I'm going into this deeper than I should but I love writing so much and basically wattpad is a great way to express yourself. My parents even worry about me and why I'm like this because I'd stay up late, writing my stories and just addicted to be on the internet. It's an unhealthy addiction but I love it. I just wish they'd understand that.

8) Have you really just sat down and taken a few seconds to realize just how popular your works have become?

Haha well I wouldn't say my works or me, are 'popular' but I do talk to a lot of people on here and my works are viewed more than they ever were before. But yes I always take a step back and see how far I've come after I finished updating, I'd look at it and see if I'm satisfied with what I've done.

9) Do you have any tips or motivational comments for aspiring writers?

I'd say challenge yourself a bit if you feel like you're nothing. DON'T give up on writing because you think it's hard and don't feel satisfied, just take a step back and pace yourslef at your level of writing. I'd also say if you want your story to kind of stand out more or get noticfed then go for a unique plot that grabs the reader's attention, just express yourself through the story. Show them what you can really do!! Just be yourself!! Shine bright like a diamond!! Don't feel pressured and you'll do fine!! Go you!! <3 !!

10) Is there anything you would like to say to your fans and supporters?

I have fans????? But I do wanna say thanks to all my supporters and I wouldn't be where I am on here without them. I love all of them and read each of their comments that gives me strength to write more. Thanks for following some silly writer like me! Thanks for giving me feedback! Thanks for the compliments and basically everything if you like me! Thanks for bracing yourself to actually read a story of mine! Thanks for being there for me! <33 I loVE YOU SO SOO MUCH

Thank you royalmukes for answering our questions.

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