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(So this is from the start of the last chapter but from Yamaguchi's POV)

Yamaguchi POV

I can't believe that I got stuck in the coral again. I could have sworn I was being careful enough. My tail was scratched and bleeding, I would have to see Ennoshita about that later.

I tried to swim to Ennoshita's house but after 5 minutes I realized I didn't recognize anything.

What did Suga say to do when I got lost? Oh! He said to swim to the surface.

I wasn't very deep so it wouldn't take to long. I was almost to the top when I felt something beneath me.

Before I could react I was being pulled out of the water. I had heard story's of being caught in a fishers net. Once it happened, you were never seen again.

I started crying.

What if when I said good bye to my friend this morning it was the last time I would ever see them? I didn't even say a proper goodbye. I really don't want to die today.

I heard a noise and looked up. For a moment I made eye contact with my captor. His yellow eyes felt like they were staring into my soul.

He got up and started to walk slowly towards me. He was probably going to pull a knife and stab me right here. I tried to scoot back but it was pointless.

He grabbed the net and brought it closer to him. I looked from his face to his hands to try and predict what he was going to do. He had a blank look on his face and his hand wasn't anywhere near me.

He squinted his eyes and said,

"You're bleeding." I didn't expect him to be so blunt. His voice didn't sound malicious, it just sounded... dead.

He walked away and pulled a box of some sort out from under a table. He rummaged through it for a moment before pulling some things out.

Is he going to poison me? That seems way less efficient than just straight up stabbing me. Wait is he going to have me hung on a wall or something?! Is that why he wants no obvious wounds?!

He made his way closer to me and stuck his hands through the net, trying to get to my tail. I tried to get away from him the best I could but it was really no use.

He sighed and said,

"Look. I'm just trying to help you. So you can either sit still and cooperate or I will hold you down and make you cooperate."

His voice took a turn from dead to the devil. It was honestly kind of scary and I stopped moving.

He slowly reached out his hand to my tail and lightly put his hand on it. I flinched but managed to keep myself calm.

He took the piece of fabric in his hand and slowly ran it over my cuts, wiping the blood away. When he ran it over my cuts I flinched, but soon enough he was done. He took the other thing in his hand and started to wrap it around my tail, being very gentle. He was tying a knot when I heard another man yell,

"Tsukishima! If you don't get in here now I will drag you down here!"

I saw a look of panic wash over the man's face.

"Tsukishima! I'm coming out there!"

The unease in the man made it's way over to me and I started to panic.

What if the man coming isn't as nice as this one? What if he does the honors and stabs me himself?!

He quickly whipped a knife out of his pocket and started to cut the net, trying desperately to free me.

Wait what? He's trying to free me?

I realized he was about to finish cutting the net. I need to repay him somehow.

It dawned on me that I had my earrings on. I pulled one out and handed it to him. He quickly made the final cut and before I fell back into the water I said,


Once I hit the water I swam away as fast as I could. It was almost sunset and everyone else was sure to be worried about me.


I swam into the center of our town to see Suga and Ennoshita sitting together and talking.

Suga looked over and shot up swimming over to me and giving me a hug.

"Where were you! I was so worried! Wait, what's this stuff on your tail." He gestured to the cloth covering my scratches.

"Well, I might have been caught in a fishers net." I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my head.

"YOU WHAT!?" Suga yelled, gaining a couple weird looks.

"I heard a yell." Ennoshita said, joining our conversation.

"Someone here said they got stuck in a fisherman's net."

"YOU WHAT?!" Ennoshita yelled, having the same reaction as Suga. 

"Look, guys i'm fine. There was this nice guy on the boat who helped me and cut me out of the net." I explained.

"Well, as long as you're ok. Make sure to be more careful next time!"

"Don't worry Suga, I will."

He nodded and swam off, taking Ennoshita with him.

I turned around and headed into my house. I took out my other earring and stared at it.

Would he have kept it or would he just have thrown it away? It was the best thing I could give him in that situation. I'll probably never see him again. Ugh this sucks.

I decided that I needed a break from everything. I would normally go to the coral reef but I didn't want to risk getting scratched again. I also couldn't go anywhere near where that guys boat was.

After 5 minutes of indecision I finally decided to go to the sirens perch. Well, that's what humans called it anyways.

(A/N I made that place up. I am 99.98% sure it's not real. Just go with it. Also, that video is the Tune he's singing.)

When I saw the rocks I quickened my pace. I loved to go to this place. It was secluded and no one really went to it anymore, so it was almost always empty.

I propped myself up and started to hum one of my favorite tunes.

As I sang I looked up at the stars. It was amazing how they managed to light up the entire sky.

They were beautiful.


That ending was terrible but I don't care.

My brother's birthday is in a couple days so, happy early birthday buddy!

I have pigtails in my hair and I feel like a 4 year old.


Have a nice day/night!

~Claire <3

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