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(A/N It's already 9 am where I am and I'm so tired i'm going to either murder someone or take a nap. I'll decide later.)

Yamaguchi POV

When we were finally pulled out of the water everyone had stopped panicking and gone into shock.

When the net was high enough that we could see over the edge of the boat I felt a small pain in my arm. I looked down to see some sort of dart looking thing was embedded in it.

I looked up. 

Why does everything seem funny all of a sudden?

I ring of black appeared in my vision and I passed out.


I opened my eyes slowly, it wasn't very bright but the little light that was there burned my eyes.

I took a look at my surroundings. I couldn't really see anything due to the lack of light but I could make out faint rectangular shapes.

I tried to sit up but hit my head. I looked to see a sort of wire mesh above me.

I realized I was in a fish tank of some sort. They must have moved me here while I was unconscious.

Where's everybody else?

I tried to call out but felt something tighten around my neck. I was sent into a coughing fit and I couldn't catch my breath.

After a minute it loosened and I was able to breath.

I reached my hands to see what was there. It seemed to be some sort of choker. It was made of a thick ribbon with a metal piece attached.

I sighed and sank a little lower in the tank.

Why haven't we been killed yet? Would they want to sell us? I mean, 5 live mermaids would sell at a very high price. How could we get out of here? I can't sing because of this choker thing and I can't move that much either.

I heard a quiet tapping. I looking in the direction of the sound to see that an Ennoshita looking shape was trying to get my attention.

Once he realized he had my attention he smiled and started to tap on another wall of his tank. He gestured for me to do the same.

I looked into the tank to my right and saw a faint outline that looked like Noya.

I started to tap on the glass of my tank and he slowly turned his head.

I saw him smile and I gestured for him to tap on the glass to wake up the person in the next tank.

Soon, there was a chorus of tapping. I was sure everyone was awake if they weren't already.

Suddenly there was heavy stomping and the sound of a door opening. 

The room was flooded with light and I saw a figure in the doorway. He was relativity tall and had grey hair with black tips.


The door slammed and we were all sitting in a shocked silence. I saw Noya smirk and he started to tap on the glass again.

I heard the stomping again and the door flung open. This time there were 2 people. It was the same guy as before but there was also a lanky guy with red pointed hair.

"I swear to god when I find witch one of you is doing that you will be sorry." The gray haired guy said.

"Ok semisemi, calm down. I'm guessing the short one did it. I'll only pin him."

Noya was so surprised at hearing that were talking about him he shot up and hit his head on the cover of his tank.

The two people laughed and the red haired one walked over to Noya's tank, lifting the lid gingerly.

He pulled something out of his pocket and quickly jabbed it into Noya's arm.

His body tensed and went limp.

Noya closed his eyes and the man took the thing out of his arm.

"Now, if anymore of you act up I will do the same thing to you as I did to your friend, got that?"

We all quickly nodded and he smiled. It wasn't a happy smile, it was more sinister. Evil if you will.

He put the lid back on Noya's tank and walked over to the door.

"See, problem solved."

"Thanks Tendo."

They walked out and slammed the heavy door closed, plunging the room into darkness once again.

What was going to happen to us? If they did that without a second glance, would they hesitate to kill us?

The reality of our situation finally set in. Maybe the mix of Noya being out cold, not being able to talk and the cramped tank got to me.

I started to cry and soon a thin layer of pearls covered the bottom of my tank.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ennoshita waving his hand.

He gave me a loving look and started to make animal shapes with his hands.

I laughed when he tried and failed to make a shark figure. The choker around my neck tightened but it was worth it.

I don't know how long we were sitting in that room but soon the door silently opened. A person with a bowl cut walked in. He was holding a plate with what looked like shrimp. My stomach growled at the thought of food.

He slowly walked around and gave us each a couple pieces of shrimp. He only opened our tanks enough to fit in his hand. It was probably so we didn't try anything.

After feeding us he left as silently as he had come.

I ate and to pass the time I arranged the pearls into cute shapes.

I started with a shark, then did a dolphin and a flounder.

I was about to give up on trying to make Tuna when a certain shape caught my eye.

It vaguely looked like the thing that Tsukki wore on his face. 

Did he say what those were called?

A home sick feeling washed over me.

What if that was the last time I would ever see him? I didn't even say a proper good bye. Ugh. Why did this have to happen to us.

After a while of staring at the shape I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of nothing but Tsukki.


So I was writing this and I was going to add Tsukishima's POV but then I realized that this chapter was already over 1,000 words so I stopped.

A big thank you to CouchPotato1111 for helping me decide on some stuff for this chapter!

Totally off topic but I went outside to take care of my chickens AND I ALMOST STEPPED ON A SNAKE THAT WAS ON OUR PATIO. THAT IS THE SECOND TIME IT HAS HAPPENED THIS SUMMER.

Living in the south is greeeeat.

Living in the south is greeeeat

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Have a nice day/night!

~Claire 💖

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