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Tsukishima's POV

~~2 years later~~

A new fishing season had started and we were fishing in the same area that we had two years ago. I had gotten my ear pierced and always wore the earring Yamaguchi gave me. Whenever someone asked me about it I would always say my first love gave it to me because no one would ever believe the real story.

"I'm going for a swim!" I yelled and heard a chorus of 'ok's' back.

I dove off the side of the boat and started to swim away. I came back up for air before diving down again. Soon I came upon a coral reef.(A/N Yes they have coral reefs in the Gulf of Mexico I looked it up.)

I heard a small noise of distress. I swam towards the sound to see a large green fish tail stuck between some coral. I swam up to it and grabbed the fin, pulling to try and dislodge the fish.

After a couple seconds of pulling I managed to get the fish out but almost lost my breath when I saw it wasn't a fish at all.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before I had to go up for air. He followed and when I broke the surface he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, Yamaguchi."

"It's you! It's really you!" He started to laugh into my shoulder. He pulled back from the hug and pointed to my earring.

"You kept it." He smiled and put a piece of his hair behind his ear, showing the match.

"Yeah, I did."

"Are your friends nearby? I have some people who might like to see them." I said. He was smiling so wide I was sure his face would crack.

He put his head under the water and emitted a high pitched whistle. Not 30 seconds had passed before I started to see some familiar faces.

"Oh, it's the blond one that helped us a while back." Hinata said.

Suga's eyes widened.

"Hey, are your friends nearby." When I nodded he almost screamed in delight.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Lead the way!" Noya told me.

Yamaguchi nodded and I started to swim in the direction of our boat.

I guess love triumphs all.


*tired smile*

I wanted to end this story before school started back so here's this. I do have another story that I will try to pre-write but no promises. I've decided that i'm going to buckle down and finally write the genderbend au so get ready for that.

School starts on Thursday and i'm going to cry.

Have a nice day/night!

~Claire 💖💖

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