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Tsukishima's POV

"What do we have here?" Tendo said.

"W-well, w-we," Asahi stuttered out.

"Right, so. Now that you've seen them we can't have you causing trouble. We'll keep you here until we sell them. Just remember, we have security cameras in here."

Before any of us could react the door was slammed behind us. I heard a quiet 'click'.

Well, we're screwed.

I took my flashlight and walked to one of the tanks. I squatted down next to it and said,

"Hey, Yamaguchi."

A huge smile spread across his face and pearls started to fall from his eyes. He looked like he was sobbing but he didn't make a sound. I looked to see the top of his tank was fastened shut, so I undid the rope and slipped the lid off.

The others went over to the tanks of everyone else and did the same as me. I'm pretty sure all the mers were crying.

Once I had the lid off the tank I set it to the side and pulled Yamaguchi into a sitting position. He pulled me into a hug. I didn't care that he was wet I was just glad to know he was safe.

"Are you ok? What did they do to you?"

He shook his head and pointed to his neck. There I could see a choker. I pulled out my pocket knife and cut the choker, letting it fall to the floor.

"Oh, thank god!" He gave a sigh of relief.

I looked around the room to see that everyone was following my example. It was funny to see everyone's reactions.

Ennoshita and Tanaka we both crying. They were hugging and I don't think Tanaka was going to let go anytime soon. Asahi was quietly quizzing Noya to see if he was really ok while Kageyama just hit Hinata on the head for not being more careful. Daichi was running his hand through Suga's hair and I had a sneaking suspicion they had kissed when no one was looking.

I turned back to Yamaguchi and saw a smile on his face. His smile made me happy.

After everyone had said their greetings Daichi said,

"Ok, so now we just have to figure out how to get out of here."

"Well, one, the door is locked. Two, there is a security camera in here and three we are under a couple hundred pounds of steel." I deadpanned.

"Right, forgot about that."

Suddenly an idea came to me. I leaned forward and whispered,

"But what if we carry everyone out? Someone could take out the camera then we could break for it."

"But, what about the door?" Kageyama asked.

"So your telling me none of you know how to pick a lock?"

"Hey, I do!" Tanaka said, defending himself.

"So were all going with this plan?" Daichi asked and we all nodded.

"Ok, Tanaka you get started on the door. Kageyama, you get the camera. Everyone else, pick someone up and get ready to run."

I leaned down and picked up Yamaguchi bridal style. Daichi had Suga the same way and Noya was just hanging onto Asahi's neck.

Soon Tanaka had the lock picked. Daichi nodded at Kageyama and he punched the camera, putting it out of commission. Right as he did an alarm sounded. Tanaka ran over and slung Ennoshita over his shoulder like a sac of potato's and Kageyama picked up Hinata bridal style. 

Daichi ran into the hall with us following close behind. The alarm was still going off and I could hear hurried footsteps behind us.

Yamaguchi was clinging to my neck like a lifeline. He had his head buried in my chest and I'm pretty sure he was crying.

We made it out on deck without any problems. We were almost at the gangplank to our boat when we were stopped.

In front of us Ushijima, Tendo and Semi. All three were holding dart guns.

"You never give up do you?" Tendo said, malice dripping in his words.

I looked to see that we were out numbered. From multiple places on the boat I could see crew members holding dart guns of their own. I needed to make a decision on what to do, and quickly.

"Now, how about you go back into holding and stay there like good boys. Hm?" Tendo said, gesturing with the dart gun.


Everyone turned to me. I was surprised at the word that had come out of my mouth, but soon had the confidence to add to it.

"No. I won't stand by while my friend is tortured. I know i'm normally not one to be passionate about something, but this is an exception."

Tendo had a confused look on his face. For once something happened that he couldn't guess the outcome of.

I leaned down and whispered in Yamaguchi's ear,

"I still have the earring."

I started to sprint towards the side of the boat, not caring that they could shoot a dart any second.

I leaned down and placed a kiss in his forehead before letting him go over the side of the boat. He landed in the water with a large splash. Soon, I heard more. Everyone else had followed my example.

I watched as they swam away as fast as they could, soon disappearing.

I muttered a small 'goodbye' and felt a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down to see a dart no longer than my finger sticking out of my leg.

A black ring appeared around my vision and I felt myself start to fall.


I woke up sometime later. I rubbed my head and slowly opened my eyes.

I was back on our boat and the 'Shiratorizawa' was gone. I looked around to see that everyone was spread out around the deck, still out cold.

I got up and went to my sleeping quarters and rummaged through the drawers in my bedside table. I soon found what I was looking for and put it in my pocket.

I'll never forget you, Yamaguchi.


This chapter was absolute c r a p.

Welp, there's going to be an epilogue.

The first 2 chapters to this story were good but it went downhill from there.

Have a nice day/night!

~Claire 💖

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