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(This chapter gets weird fast just saying.)

Tsukishima POV

After Asahi had woken up from his shock coma we all started to talk about what was happening.

"So are you going to introduce us to your friends?" I asked Yamaguchi.

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that." He chuckled nervously.

"This is Sugawara, Ennoshita, Hinata, Noya and I'm Yamaguchi." He pointed to his friends one at a time.

"So. If i'm getting this right, mermaids are real. Ya'll were doing some singing stuff, put every human within a 7 mile radius in a trance, almost drowned us, felt bad, helped us, then we woke up? Am I getting that right?" Kageyama asked.

"For once you remembered something king." I snickered.

He shot me a glare and I laughed more. The Hinata looked like he was going to explode with laughter any minute, only to be hit on the head again.

"How do mermaids exist? How come Humans haven't found you yet?" Asahi asked, putting his hand under his chin.

"Our village is well hidden and we've drowned anyone who's gotten to close." Ennoshita said.

My friends and I shot him a concerned look.

"What? That's just what we do." He shrugged. Tanaka scooted a little bit away from him.

"This might be a sensitive topic, but how many people have you each drowned exactly?" Asahi asked, starting to sweat nervously.

"Well, we are relatively young, so not that many. No more than 10 each."

"I'm sorry what?" I said.

"Yeah, 10 each sounds right. Does that sound right to you Suga?"

"Yeah. But I think i've done 16 though. And wait what are you talking about? You've drowned 23!"

"You've drowned 23 people?! Why didn't you tell me about this! Teach me your ways, Ennoshita!" Noya butted in.

I watched as this horrifying yet interesting scene unfolded before me.

I leaned over to Yamaguchi.

"So how many people have you drowned?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, my voice isn't that great, so only 4." He looked almost sad about it.

I nodded and turned my attention back to the conversation going on between everyone else.

"There is no way you have drowned 23 people. I have a hard time believing that someone as cute as you has killed that many people." Tanaka said, causing Ennoshita to blush.

"That's downright barbaric! Why do you do that?" Daichi yelled at Suga.

"We do it because it's in our blood! It's like asking a human to stop eating." Suga spat back.

"Well, what do you get from it?"

"I guess it's just fun to see humans so helplessly smitten."

"That's even worse!"

"HEY!" Noya yelled, getting everyone's attention.

"Why are we all yelling again?"

"Because you drown people for fun!"

"It's not our fault! And can we all please calm down? Asahi looks like he's going to have a panic attack." He gestured to a slightly shaking Asahi.

"Right. Sorry. Are you ok Asahi?" Daichi said.

Asahi nodded.

"Wait, what happened to the boat?" Kageyama asked.

"OH SH*T THE BOAT!" Yelled Tanaka.

"We have to go back now." Kageyama said and Hinata pouted.

"We can take you back." I heard Yamaguchi say from behind me.

"Really? That would be great!" Daichi Responded.

"Ok, bubbles everyone!" Suga yelled, taking a deep breath.

Suddenly, each merman was holding a bubble the size of someone's head.

"You might want to close your eyes." Yamaguchi told me.

I did as he said and I felt something wet slip over my head.

I opened my eyes again to see that the bubble was totally encasing my head. I assumed it was a sort of personal air supply.

He pulled me into the water and started to swim in the direction of our boat.

We took the lead while the merpeople followed close behind.


When we finally reached our boat we said our goodbyes and the merpeople swam off to do who knows what. We watched them disappear under the water.

"Well, that was quite the adventure." Kageyama said.

"Yeah. Everyone get changed and meet in the galley in 10 minutes." Daichi said,

There was a chorus of 'yes captain'.

When we were all changed Daichi cleared his throat and started to speak.

"Well, after today I don't think we should be swimming anymore."

"You just don't want to run into Suga. I see the way you look at him. You're head over heels." I deadpanned.

He blushed.

"W-well...I um." He started.

"OOoOOOoOO Someone has a crush!" Tanaka yelled.

(A/N Watching and Waiting flashbacks anyone?)

"Will you keep your voice down?!" Kageyama yelled back at him.

"Ok, well, I also noticed that you were flirting with Ennoshita literally the entire time."

It was Tanaka's turn to blush and be at a loss for words.

"Oi, Tsukishima. I saw you whisper a couple things in Yamaguchi's ear. Care to elaborate on what that was about?" Kageyama said in a sickly sweet voice.

"I just asked him how many people he had drowned. Witch was surprisingly low compared to everyone else." I pushed up my glasses.

"Yeah, how the heck do they do that and not care? That's literally murder." Asahi added.

"I mean, if you're going to murder a bunch of people, why not have a bit fun while doing it?" Tanaka asked.

We all nodded.

"But still, that's kind of messed up."

"Yeah, but it is what is it I guess." Daichi sighed.

"Well, this has been fun but i'm going to bed." I said, standing up.

Everyone else nodded their agreement and we went to change into our pajamas.


This chapter is horrible but beautiful and i'm not changing it. I swear the next chapter is better.

I'm an Ennotana shipper (if you couldn't tell) and I have a head cannon that when Tanaka is flexing and stuff for Kiyoko he actually does it to get Ennoshita's attention. I know they would never get together but a girl can dream right?

How long do people have to be dead for it to be considered archaeology instead of grave robbing?

Have a nice day/night!

~Claire <3

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