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Tsukishima's POV

While the entire Shiratorizawa crew was having breakfast on our boat Tanaka and Kageyama pulled me aside and pulled me behind the wall to the cockpit.

"Hey, were going to try and see those fish they caught, wanna join?" Tanaka asked in a hushed tone.

I rolled my eyes.

"Have you gone insane? That's trespassing on their boat."

"Come oooonnn. We already convinced Asahi." Tanaka whined.

"Well what about Daichi?"

"You know he's a sucker for puppy eyes."

"You're not wrong."

"So we can count you in?"

I hesitated before nodding. Even though it was illegal I was still curious. 

"So, our plan is that were going to ask them to give us a tour of their boat. The room they don't show us is going to be the one that the fish are in. So then we just sneak back later and see them. Sound good?" Kageyama asked. I nodded again and they gave a each other a victorious high-five before running off.

I went back out on deck to see the duo speaking to Daichi. He had a concerned look on his face before he slowly nodded.


"Hey, Ushijima. Do you think we could get a tour of your boat?" Tanaka asked excitedly.

Ushijima looked at his second in command. Tendo had his eyes squinted, like he was trying to figure something out. Tendo turned to Ushijima and nodded, signaling the ok.

"Yes. We will give you a tour of the boat."

Tanaka gave a exited fist pump and Kageyama smiled. He honestly looked like an idiot when he did that. 

Wait, he is an idiot.

~~~Time skip to the middle of the tour~~~

I'm not going to lie, their boat was huge. Just the galley was bigger than all our sleeping quarters combined.

As the tour progressed I kept a lookout for any door they avoided. So far they had shown every door, so I had nothing to go off yet.

Soon we came to the hold. I never really like being in places like this, and in my displeasure I almost missed a door that was slightly open. From inside I could hear a small tapping noise. In an odd way it sounded like when you tap your fingers against a window.

Wait, didn't they say the fish we weren't allowed to see tap on the glass?

I tapped Kageyama's shoulder 3 times. This was the signal we had come up with to use when we found the door.

He turned around and nodded. I took a mental note of our surroundings so we could come back later. I could have sworn I saw Tendo squinting at us again.

~~Time skip to after the tour~~

"Well, that's the boat for ya." Tendo said after walking out on deck. We all thanked him.

"Do you think you could stick around until dinner? We would love to have you." Daichi asked.

"That would be lovely, thank you." Tendo bowed his head and started to walk over to our boat.

(A/N The rest of Shiratorizawa stayed on the 'Karasuno' during the tour, so now their the only ones on the Shiratorizawa boat.)

Once he was gone we turned around and ran below deck. We ran in the direction of the door that I saw. Once we reached it we found it was still opened. We pushed on it and it omitted a low 'squeak'.

The room was almost completely dark, so I fished around in my pocket for my flashlight.

I turned it on and there was a collective gasp. There were 5 tanks, each holding a person.

Wait, we knew them!

Tanaka tapped my shoulder and I turned to face him, but ending up with a less than desirable sight.

"Well, what do we have here?"


Yamaguchi's POV

Sitting in the dark really does something to you. You get accustomed to it after a while, but anything can happen in the dark. You loose track of time, and then yourself. The things around you become blobs of darkness.

After Noya was tranquilized again the red haired man left in such a hurry that he left the door slightly open. Even though there was only a sliver of light it made me happy. You don't realize how much you have until it's taken away.

After a little while of staring at the light I saw shadow's moving around. There looked to be around six.

That's weird, normally only two at a time come down here.

I could hear the people outside talking. I couldn't make out what they were saying but the voices sounded different. They seemed familiar, but I had never met anyone on this boat before.

Could they be the visitors the tall one was talking about?

Hope flared in my chest. What if they found us and got us out of here!

That flame was soon put out when I saw the shadows left and the voices stopped.

I sighed and sank lower into the tank. I had no idea how long it had been since I slept, so I tried to get comfortable. As I drifted off I tried to rekindle that fire of hope. Thinking that maybe we had a chance.

But that was like starting a fire with wet wood.


I woke to the sound of the door opening, it wasn't that loud, but apparently it was enough to wake me up. I assumed it was time for them to feed us, so I sat up a little and waited my turn.

I was normally the first to be fed, and the person looking over us did not waste time, so I was a little confused when I didn't hear the sound of shuffling feet.

I glanced at the door to see 5 people standing there.

That's odd.

One of them fished around in their pocket for a moment before a light came on in their hand. They stumbled back a step.

They swiped the light around the room and it landed on me. I winced at the sudden brightness, but when I opened my eyes again I could see our visitors.

Wait, is that Tsukki?

The hope in my chest flared again, but was soon to be put out when 3 figures came from behind him.


The ending to this is terrible but I don't care.

If being beautiful was a crime, I would be a law abiding citizen.

While I was writing this chapter four of my fingers were bleeding so that was fun.

I'm so sorry for the inconsistency's in this story. I sometimes call Tsukki & crew 'Humans' and other times I use 'people' so that's f u n.

So I have decided on the ending, (I think). I don't think i'm gonna kill anyone off but i'm gonna make it bitter-sweet.

Have a nice day/night!

~Claire 💖

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