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Tsukishima POV

When dinner was finished we cleaned up and went to bed one by one. I went to my bunk last and tried to fall asleep.

After about an hour of tossing and turning I gave up and sat up, putting on my glasses.

I was about to pull out my book when I remembered the thing that the boy gave to me.

I dug through my pants pocket and when I finally found it I turned on my reading light to get a better look at it.

It looked to be some sort of earring. There were stones where it would have come in contact with his ear, with cowry seashells dangling down.

Why would he give me his earring? Could it be as a thank you? It's a nice earring though. And what did he say when I cut him out of the net. Yamaguchi, was it? Was that his name?

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Daichi approach me.

"Hey Tsukishima, why are you up?" He asked in a groggy voice.

I jumped and hid the earring in my shirt pocket.

"I couldn't sleep." I replied.

"Well, could you at least turn off your light? Or go out on deck maybe? It's kind of bright."

I nodded, grabbed my book and went outside. It was a quiet night. The stars were out and I decided to star gaze.

I found a dry spot and laid down. The stars reminded me of the boys freckles. I pulled out the earring he gave me and held it up against the sky.

"Hey, Yamaguchi. I know you're not here but it would be cool if you could see this. I like your earring. I think it's nice." I said to myself.

I stared at the sky for a few more minutes before getting up and walking back to my bed.

~~Time skip to the next afternoon~~

It had been a slow morning and Daichi still had no idea where we were. Tanaka and Kageyama had already given up for the day and were in a heated game of uno. Asahi was trying to calm them down but failing miserably.

I decided to give up for the day to and I joined Daichi in the cockpit because I couldn't stand Tanaka's yelling.

"So, have you figured out anything about our location Daichi?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, but I hope I can figure out soon. It's a nice day, so how about you take a swim or something? I'm sure you don't want to listen to Tanaka and Kageyama yelling over a +4 uno card." He laughed at himself.

"I might just do that." I said and walked out.

I changed into some shorts and a t-shirt and took the ladder off the side of the boat, getting in the water.

The water was extremely clear, but about 25 feet down it started to get murky. I started to swim out when I heard a sweet sound.

I felt my body freeze. I started moving towards the sound against my will.

Wait, what is going on! I'm don't want to go this direction! But, that voice is nice. I wouldn't hurt to take a look. 

I soon came upon a cluster of rocks when I saw one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen.

It was the same boy I saw yesterday. He was sitting on top of one of the rocks singing like no one was around. 

When he finished his song I felt like my mind had been returned to my body. He curled into a would be fetal position.

"You know, you're really good." I said.

He let out a small scream and fell off the rock, landing in the water with a big splash.

I swam to where he landed to make sure he was ok.

He rubbed his head and looked up. A smile overtook his face.

"It's you!" He voiced.

"Yeah. I don't think we were properly introduced last time. I'm Tsukishima Kei." I held out my hand.

He stared at it with a confused expression. I realized that he might not know what to do.

"You shake it."

"O-oh right. Sorry. I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi." He stuck out his hand in return.

There was a small ledge on the rock that I decided to sit on. Yamaguchi stayed in the water and I could see his tail swishing below him.

"Oh, I still have your earring." I said, pulling it out of my pocket.

"Really? I thought you would have thrown it out." He had a puzzled look on his face. 

"Why would I? It's beautiful." I said while staring at it. I could have sworn there was a blush on his face.

"Umm. Could I ask you something?" He asked me.

"Yeah. What do you need?"

"Well, I was wondering why you cut me out of the net? I mean, most humans would have just killed me right then and there."

"Well, unlike most other people, I actually care about things. And if I killed you I would have to explain to Daichi why there was blood on his deck." I explained.

He chuckled nervously and there was a comfortable silence.

I looked up after a couple minutes to see that the sun was setting.

"Oh, crap. I have to go. Is there anyway I could see you again?" I said, sliding into the water.

"Yeah. I spend a lot of time here, so you know where to find me."

His face cracked a smile and he dove under the water, disappearing quickly.

Well that was an adventure.


So I am in a crisis. I am out of haikyuu fic's that look interesting. Please recommend stuff i'm begging you.

I can rap 'Satisfied' and i'm really happy about it. I have been practicing for the past week lol.

Have a nice day/night!

~Claire <3

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